I: I have to get my cat spayed. It's 3 years old, the vet said it's a little late for it to get spayed. AI:It's good you're getting your cat spayed. It's never too late. Your cat will be healthier and happier. I: It's forbidden to eat and drink 6 hours before the spa...
Great, i do think spaying is a very good thing to do. The main recommendation i have is try to keep the cat from running, jumping and playing as much as possible for that first 2 weeks. And use the cone, many do not, and some cats don't need it. But there is no way to know...
I had Blue Tits nesting in my garden this year in a bird box I had attached to the wall. You can learn how and when the Blue Tits prepare their nest boxes and when the eggs are laid and hatch. There are photos of my own wild birds as they rear their fami
With a little time and patience, you can teach your cat-chasing dog to accept (and even enjoy) having a kitten as a member of the household.
My first question for you is whether Keila is spayed. If not, then getting her spayed may help. This will reduce the hormones in her system and as we all know, hormones can cause grumpiness! It sounds like she is jealous over you as she is growling when your boyfriend comes near or...
It is important to make sure outdoor cats are spayed or neutered to prevent any increase to the homeless pet population. Caging is often required to bring these cats into captivity to surgery. This is also a way of capturing a stray cat for adoption or medical attention. Cages can be re...