So Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday flewwwwww by! I started feeling bad on Wednesday, but Thursday morning I just couldn’t even stand up straight. I tried to weather the storm, but I lost haha. I called in and rescheduled my clients and spent the rest of the day on my bathroom floor. ...
*(2) The first to announce was a memeflag 6. When posting your OP, remember to put the correct thread # in the subject and to link the previous OP 7. If you are lacking OP images, refer to the emblem repository in the "Links/Resources" pasta 8. Use to shorte...
Meg Corbyn(The Othersseries by Anne Bishop) – I actually dig this series a lot. More and more though, I’ve been wondering why Meg gets a pass from the Simon Wolfgard and the residents of Lakeside Courtyard, especially when they seem to be ...
/bag/ Newfag guideNo, it is not too late to play the game. The best time to start is now. Not just a reroll guide. Rerolling means resetting your account to get a better roll of characters. Scroll to the bottom for my last edit date. This guide is not outdated.Hacker...
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Posting your roster in /bag/ and asking for help is generally faster.Can I brick myself levelling up a student (e.g. Priconne)? No. At most you brick yourself by levelling the worse characters.Can I unequip my items after putting it on someone? No. ...