Within the high protein diet, Wagyu beef had higher linoleic acid content compared to Angus (P < 0.05). In conclusion, Wagyu sired cattle had better quality and yield compared to Angus sired, and protein supplementation during the late gestation had no major effect on beef quality. (Supported...
(2008) in Japanese black cattle (−0.73). Table 2. Estimates of genetic parameters for all the breeds BreedDirect h2 (SE)Calves (n)Maternal h2 (SE)Dams (n)Permanent maternal environmentDirect-maternal correlation Holstein 0.40 (0.01) 393,565 0.05 (0.003) 207,345 0.027 0.05 Jersey 0.47 (...
All Angus sires had a mean progeny gestation length of less than 284 days, whereas only 65% of the Hereford sires had their progeny mean in this range. The average gestation length for New Zealand dairy cattle is 281 days [13,18], and 51% of the bulls used in this case study had a...
The heritability estimates used in this calculation were 0.32 for birth weight, 0.65 for gestation length, and 0.12 for age at weaning (heritability of 200-day weight), which are the New Zealand Angus estimates published by BreedPlan [16]. The Angus estimates were used because the New Zealand...
Table 1. Analysis of body weight, BCS, and placental efficiency characteristics in all treatments from the general linear model (GLM) for main effects of feeding treatment and mineral supplementation. Feeding Supplement CON 1 FR 1 SE 2 p-Value S+ 3 S− 3 SE 2 p-Value Maternal BCS 4 ...
Table 3. Dietary intake of macro and trace minerals and values recommended by the BCNRM (2016; Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle). 2.3. Feed Analysis Diet TMR samples were collected weekly throughout the experiment and composited over the feeding period. The composited sample was dried in ...
The effects of maternal treatment × the day of the study were observed (p < 0.01) for the cow’s BCS and BW (Table 2). Cow BW on days 130 and 390 was less (p < 0.01) for LHA vs. HHA cows. Cow BCS on days 130 and 150 was greater (p≤ 0.01) for HHA vs. LHA cows. Cow...