Beginning 6 wk before calving, cows were fed a basal gestation ration (Table 2) to meet ME and CP requirements for maintenance and gestation as described in the visceral mass study. At the start of the study they were randomly assigned to one of 2 treatments: the basal gestation ration ...
(2008) in Japanese black cattle (−0.73). Table 2. Estimates of genetic parameters for all the breeds BreedDirect h2 (SE)Calves (n)Maternal h2 (SE)Dams (n)Permanent maternal environmentDirect-maternal correlation Holstein 0.40 (0.01) 393,565 0.05 (0.003) 207,345 0.027 0.05 Jersey 0.47 (...
Total placental weight and the weight of fetal cotyledons were significantly heavier in the nutrient-restricted group (p < 0.01), but the weight of the maternal caruncular component of the placenta was similar between groups (Table 2). Placentas from the nutrient-restricted group had significantly...
Table 5. Influence of protein supplementation during mid-gestation on the plasma concentration of amino acids in beef cows, expressed in nmol/mL. 3.3. Gene Expression in Skeletal Muscle and Liver Tissues There was a trend toward higher mRNA abundance for PCK1 in CON dams carrying female fetuse...
Table S1 depicts the common metabolites in the liver, longissimus dorsi, and blood that were differentially expressed in RES compared with CON at day 90 of gestation. In the RES offspring, the greatest number of metabolites with differential abundance across the three tissues were involved in amino...
Birth weight and gestation length had a moderate positive phenotypic correlation (Table 2), where calves with a longer gestation length were born heavier. The phenotypic correlation between age at weaning and birth weight was strong and negative, indicating that calves born light took longer to reac...
3. Results The mean calf birth weight was 36.8 kg with a range of 30 kg, whilst the mean gestation length was 281.3 days, with a range of 33 days (Table 1). Calves were weaned at an average of 81.5 days of age (range 74 days). Fewer than 1% of calves required assistance at ...
Table 1. Analysis of body weight, BCS, and placental efficiency characteristics in all treatments from the general linear model (GLM) for main effects of feeding treatment and mineral supplementation. Feeding Supplement CON 1 FR 1 SE 2 p-Value S+ 3 S− 3 SE 2 p-Value Maternal BCS 4 ...
and transferred to a single pasture (area: 10 ha; HA: 2.36 ± 0.39 kg DM/kg BW; SR: 7.14 ± 1.38 AU/ha; herbage mass: 7332 ± 1081 kg DM/ha; CP: 6.57 ± 1.94% of DM) and managed similarly with free choice access to trace mineral salt supplementation until weaning (Table 1)....
Table 4. Performance and dry matter intake (DMI) of beef heifers during the first trimester of gestation as influenced by vitamin and mineral supplementation [VMSUP; not supplemented (NoVTM) or supplemented (VTM)] and two different rates of gain [GAIN; low rate, 0.28 kg/d (LG) or modera...