Yet, in the paucity of evidence regarding effectiveness and safety among special populations, the concern of undergoing vaccination during gestation and breastfeeding is a matter of considerable regional and global dilemma. However, herd immunity remains the only effective COVID-19 prevention strategy, ...
Gestationis following COVID-19 vaccination, highlighting the temporal relationship between vaccine administration and the development of the autoimmune bullous disease, as well as discussing the safety of COVID-19 vaccines and the need for further understanding of autoimmune conditions in ...
ol'the last menstrual period. In 311 1 I \vomen this iiur-ation had hcen \aliciatcri (luring the first trimester h!. ~11t1-asourlmd easurcmcnts of I'I.O\\.II-I.LIIIIII length and bipar-ietal dinn~ctcs.I'hc sul,sccl~lcnti.oiir-sc of 17rcg- In the I'i~ll-tcr-mncuh...
Cameroon to (i) follow the increase in total IgG and Abs to 9P. falciparumantigens and TTx between 24 weeks of gestation and term, (ii) compare the rate of transfer among the antigens during this period, and (iii) evaluate the influence...
Certainty of last menstrual period date Certain 771 67.4 Somewhat certain 314 27.5 Uncertain 59 5.2 Received ultrasound during this pregnancy**b 222 19.4 Received progestin only pill with abortion medicines 536 50.6 COVID-19 status Diagnosed or symptomatic 5 0.5 In self-isolation due to COVID-...
COVID-19SARS-CoV-2PreeclampsiaEmergency medicineEmergency departmentThe evolving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has led to a rapid expansion of knowledge on the disease's clinical manifestations, laboratory and ...
Objective To assess clinical presentations, pregnancy complications, and maternal and neonatal outcomes among women with multiple gestation pregnancy (MGP) and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) infection and to compare the data with a pre-pandemic period.Mahajan, Niraj N.Ansari, MuniraGaikwad, ...
COVID-19 infection status was known by antibodies (IgG and IgM/IgA) measured in all participants and nasopharyngeal RT-PCR performed at delivery. To describe the clinical presentation of COVID-19 infection throughout gestation in a population-based study.Crovetto, F....
COVID-19health Services Researchmifepristonereproductive healthBackground In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, legislation and guidance were introduced in Scotland permitting medical abortion at home by telemedicine for pregnancies at less than 12 weeks' gestation. Women had a telephone consultation with...
Vanessa L. JACOBY MD, MASAmy MURTHA MDYalda AFSHAR MD, PhDStephanie GAW MD, PhDIfeyinwa ASIODU PhD, RNJorge TOLOSA MDMary E. NORTON MDJohn BOSCARDIN MDValerie FLAHERMAN MD MASAm J Obstet GynecolAmerican journal of obstetrics and gynecology...