Sociology.a society or group characterized chiefly by formal organization, impersonal relations, the absence of generally held or binding norms, and a detachment from traditional and sentimental concerns, and often tending to be rationalistic and secular in outlook. ...
These communities are fairly homogeneous, meaning most people in the community are very similar to one another in their jobs, lifestyles, beliefs, values, etc. People are connected through religious or moral codes and informal, close relationships. Family is very highly valued in these communities....
GemeinschaftandGesellschaftin Sociology Early German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies introduced the concepts ofGemeinschaft(Gay-mine-shaft)andGesellschaft(Gay-zel-shaft) in his 1887 bookGemeinschaft und Gesellschaft. Tönnies presented these as analytic concepts which he found useful for studying the differen...
Toews, John E.(1987), »Intellectual History after the linguistic turn: the Autonomy of Meaning and the Irreducibility of Experience«, in:The American Historical Review, 92, S. 879–907. ArticleGoogle Scholar Turner, Victor(1989),Das Ritual. Struktur und Anti-Struktur, Frankfurt/M.: Campu...
SOCIOLOGYCOMMUNICATIONS researchEMPIRICAL researchLUHMANN, Niklas, 1927-1998This article is concerned with the question of what we mean by contextualizing a literary text in terms of social history. What are we setting a text in relation to if we assign society as a context to it? And what is...
Max Weber's "Grand Sociology": The Origins and Composition of Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Soziologie Max Weber's magnum opus Economy and Society ( Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Soziologie ) was for the most part published only after his premature death in June 1920. Only the chapters on basic ...
Sources of meaning in late life. Madison, Wis.: Univ. of Wisconsin Press. Keeley, Caren (2015): Qualitative Forschung mit Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung. Notwendigkeit und methodische Möglichkeiten zur Erhebung subjektiver Sichtwei- sen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bedürfnisse von ...
Given the recent interest in the phenomenon in allied fields such as sociology and psychology, this is surprising. We create, inductively, an archetypical image of how managers make sense of the meaning of love as an organizational phenomenon by means of a sample of Christian managers. The ...
The Autonomy of Meaning and the Irreducibility of Experience, in: AHR 92 (1987) 879-907, hier: 890; Günther Lottes, „The State of the Art". Stand und Perspektiven der „intellectual history", in: Neue Wege der Ideengeschichte. Festschrift für Kurt Kluxen zum 85. Geburtstag, hrsg. ...
Gegründet im Jahr 1859, zählt die Juristische Gesellschaft zu Berlin zu den ältesten ihrer Art in Europa und blickt auf eine lange Tradition zurück. In der Schriftenreihe der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin erscheinen seit 1959 ausgewählte Beiträge aus dem reichhaltigen Vortrags...