11 p. 动名词Gerunds 18 p. Gerunds 高中英语动名词讲解课件 PDF 24 p. 【精品】gerunds 30 p. 【精品】Gerunds非谓语动词 11 p. 【精品】高一英语动名词Gerunds 25 p. Gerunds 動名詞 17 p. 广州版英语8 A UNIT 2gerunds 55 p. Gerunds动名词 发表评论 验证码: 换一张 匿名评论 提交 关...
Try an exercise about gerunds and infinitives with these verbs here.. See the list of verbs part 1 here. See the list of verbs part 3 here. See the list of verbs part 4 here. DO YOU WANT TO MASTER eNGLISH GRAMMAR? Your logical way to teach is very easy to understand. ...
Gerunds and Infinitives 2 Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive: 1) She delayed (get) out of bed. [ . ] CheckShow 2) He demanded (speak) to the manager. [ . ] CheckShow 3) I offered (help). [ . ] CheckShow 4) I miss (go) to the beach. [ . ] CheckShow 5) ...
3-Don't Forget to Live Your Life- Gerunds and Infinitives with Verbs-720P 高清-AVC是【Easy English系列】油管上千万播放量的日常英语口语练习素材,刷完口语听力无敌(全)的第3集视频,该合集共计97集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
In part 1 of the tutorial, we begin 20 tips on how to use gerunds and infinitives. We introduce gerunds and infinitives and explain the basics of everyday usage. Afterwards, you can test what you have learned with our exercises before moving on to part 2. Just scroll down to begin!
English learners have difficulty with gerunds and infinitives. A gerund is the –ing form of a verb that functions the same as a noun. For example, "Running is fun." In this sentence, "running" is the gerund. It acts just ...
美国小学课程资料 gerunds and infinitives-2 GERUNDSANDINFINITIVES PART2:INFINITIVES FORM see togo toplay speak hear towork FORM •Bareinfinitive:see,hear,speak •Fullinfinitive:toplay,towork,togo FULLINFINITIVE-USE 1.Afterspecificverbssuchas:wantagreeacceptrefuserejectinvite decidechoose planlearnhope...
17:05 Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 09:33 6 Rules for Gerunds and Infinitives/ Specific verbs to use with each 11:13 Transition Words Quiz 04:41 Infinitive Phrases 11:22 Adverb Clauses and How to Use Them 11:00 Gerund Phrase or Participial Phrase: How can you tell the difference? 08:05...
Learning when to use gerunds (speaking) and when to use infinitives (to speak) can be one of the most challenging parts of learning English. For this reason, Englishpage.com has created the Internet's most in-depth tutorial including 30 exercises as well as gerunds and infinitives reference ...