When the infinitive or the infinitive phrase is used as a noun after verbs like hear, let, help, make, see and watch, the to is not used. For example:Correct Incorrect He made her correct the paper. He made her to correct the paper. We all heard her tell the story. We all heard...
17:05 Subject Verb Agreement Quiz 09:33 6 Rules for Gerunds and Infinitives/ Specific verbs to use with each 11:13 Transition Words Quiz 04:41 Infinitive Phrases 11:22 Adverb Clauses and How to Use Them 11:00 Gerund Phrase or Participial Phrase: How can you tell the difference? 08:05...
美国小学课程资料 gerunds and infinitives-2 GERUNDSANDINFINITIVES PART2:INFINITIVES FORM see togo toplay speak hear towork FORM •Bareinfinitive:see,hear,speak •Fullinfinitive:toplay,towork,togo FULLINFINITIVE-USE 1.Afterspecificverbssuchas:wantagreeacceptrefuserejectinvite decidechoose planlearnhope...
之后的动词) e.g. I am the first / second / last to win the game. . v. Infinitives must be used after certain verbs. agreechoosedecidefai lhavehope learnneedplanpromise wanish * let要转Gerund(+ing),原因是 ii. When a verb es after a preposition (for)its gerund is used.
Basically, some verbs are followed by gerunds, some verbs are followed by infinitives, and some verbs can be followed by gerunds or infinitives. Native speakers do not think about the difference. But English learners have to memorize...
Do not use "to" after these phraseshad better would rather Forms of Infinitives and Gerundsto cry (infinitive) to have cried (the perfect infinitive) to be crying (the continuous infinitive) to have been crying (the perfect contiuous infinitive) to be painted (the passive infinitive) crying ...
gerunds_ or_ infinitives[1]
"Dread" is sometimes used with infinitives such as "think" or "consider." In the sentence above, "dreaded to think" means "did not want to think." forget She forgot reading the book when she was a kid. When "forget" is used with a gerund, it means "to forget that you have done...
Try an exercise about gerunds and infinitives with these verbs here.. See the list of verbs part 1 here. See the list of verbs part 3 here. See the list of verbs part 4 here. DO YOU WANT TO MASTER eNGLISH GRAMMAR? Your logical way to teach is very easy to understand. ...
1.Gerundsand Infinitives动名词和不定式;动名词与不定动词 2.Infinitives &Gerunds动词不定式和动名词 3.Gerundsafter certain verbs若干动词后使用动名词 4.Inifinitives andGerunds动词不定式和动名词 5.Gerundsas Objects of Prepositions动名词作介词的宾语 ...