Sometimes, gerunds can take the role of direct objects in sentences. View Video Only Save Timeline Video Quiz Course 65Kviews List of Gerunds The following is a list of common gerunds. Identify Gerund and Participle What is a Gerund Phrase?
The Parts of a Gerund Phrase Real-Life Examples of Gerund Phrases Gerunds vs Present Participles Why Gerund Phrases Are Important Removingthe dressing quicklyis the best way. Here are the parts of the gerund phrase: gerund: "removing"
A gerund functions as a nominal (noun form) which can be modified by adjectives. As a verbal, however, it retains the ability of verbs to take objects, complements, and adverb or adverbial modifiers. A gerund, its object, its complements, and its modifiers together constitute a gerund phras...
Agerund phraseis a phrase that contains a gerund and a modifier or an object and, in some cases, both of these. Here are three examples of gerund phrases: Apologizing to them Underground exploring Running with scissors A gerund phrase, just like a gerund, acts as a noun in a sentence. ...
2. Examples of Gerund Phrases Example 1 Running for presidentis a serious ambition. This gerund phrase is the subject of the sentence; it is what the sentence is about. Example 2 Eating small mealsthroughout the day can help you avoid hunger pains. ...
Examples: Gerunds Cyclingis a fun activity, a convenient mode of transport, and a good form of exercise. I’m in the habit ofwritingevery day. Meditatinghelps Shirley to clear her mind. Table of contents How are gerunds used in sentences?
It can be more effective to combine clauses into single sentences, so sometimes we use participle phrases. However, because a gerund phrase is basically a noun, it is used very differently. It would need to be related to the main verb of the sentence: ...
He goes on to explain how to differentiate between the two: "To clearly distinguish these, we need to consider their grammatical functions. A present participle functions as a non-finite form of a verb phrase, after verbs of motion and position; it can be an adverb complement after these ve...
Like any other noun, gerunds can have different functions, such as subjects, objects, or objects of preposition is sentences. The table below shows gerund sentence examples.Function of Gerund Phrases Parts of a Gerund Phrase Gerund Phrase Examples Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are yo...
Here are examples of sentences with two gerunds: Walking and hiking are both good exercise. Flying and driving both take intense concentrationTruthspeaks says: October 12, 2011, at 11:36 am In quiz question #1, “efficiently” is an adverb, but adverbs can only modify adjectives, verbs, ...