Gerund used as a subject Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses. (cook)is one of her hobbies. (cycle)is fun. (Get)a good job is not easy. (Find)a parking space is quite difficult in this area.
Eatingquietly,theyseemlyenjoyedwhattheyareserved.(Aparticipialphraseasanadjectivemodifies“they”)Eatingquietlycanbedifficultforchildren.(Agerundphraseasanounfunctionsasasubject.)2)••••3)••• Bothgerundsandinfinitivescanbeusedasthesubjectorthecomplementofasentence.However,gerundssoundmorenaturaland...
a gerund can be used as a subject , a direct object or an indirect object in a sentence. in this case, it performs the role of a noun. it can also be employed as the object of a preposition . it also works as a present participle to indicate different continuous tenses. however, ...
1.a form in Latin regularly derived from a verb and functioning as a noun, used in all cases but the nominative, asdicendīgen.,dicendōdat., abl., etc., “saying.” 2.a form similar to the Latin gerund in meaning or function, as in English the-ingform of a verb when functioning...
A gerund functions as a noun, often acting as the subject, object, or complement of a verb. On the other hand, a present participle functions as an adjective or adverb, describing the action being performed by the subject or modifying another verb in the sen...
gerund,itisusedas oranymodifiersrelatedtothegerund.Likeagerund,itisusedas anoun—assubject,predictive,object,objectofapreposition,or anoun—assubject,predictive,object,objectofapreposition,or appositive. appositive. 1) 1) asanountobesubject asanountobesubject • Youmustknowyourenemy. Youmustknowyour...
Infinitive/Gerund – Lingolia Plus Exercises Gerund as the subject of a sentence A1 Infinitive or gerund after verbs (1) A1 Infinitive with or without to A2 Infinitive or gerund after adjectives (1) A2 Infinitive or gerund after verbs (2) B1 Infinitive or gerund after verbs (3) B1...
Exercises and Tests Infinitive Infinitive with / withoutto•Exercise 2 Infinitive Constructions•Exercise 2 Gerund Gerund – Form Gerund used as a subject Infinitive / Gerund Infinitive or Gerund•Exercise 2 Infinitive or Gerund•Exercise 2 ...
As the role of a noun in functioning as a nominal, the infinitive can fill the role of a subject, object and subject complement: o To swim is my greatest love. (functions as a subject) o My friend Bud loves to ski. (functions as a direct object) ...
Recognize a gerund when you find one.Every gerund, without exception, ends in ing. Gerunds are not, however, easy to identify. The problem is that all present participles also end in ing. So what is the difference? Gerunds function as nouns. Thus, gerunds will be subjects, subject ...