据我所知,它们有两种分别, 一是我们用动词跟随着Gerunds或Infinitives(不同的意思),也就是Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infinitives (Different Meaning); 二就是我们用动词跟随着Gerunds或Infinitives(相似的意思),也就是Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infinitives (Similar Meaning); Verbs Follow...
Gerund and to-infinitives after `it is (of) no use', `it is no good', and `it is useless'. English Studies 62:156--163 - Jrgensen - 1981Jorgensen, E. 1981. Gerund and to-infinitives after `it is (of) no use', `it is no good', and `it is useless'. English Studies 62:...
An infinitive is the word “to” + a verb’s root. There are two ways you can use an infinitive: as a noun that communicates a single concept and as an adjective to describe a noun within the sentence. Here are a few examples, with infinitives bolded: I brought us some lemonadeto dr...
动名词 (Gerund )和不定式( infinitive) 英文解释&例子说明
I wonder if these sentences are grammatically correct or incorrect and reasons. 1) I teach you to speak English. 2) I teach you speaking English. 3) I teach to speak English to you. 4) I teach speaking English to you. I really wonder please let me know. gerunds bare...
gerund_and_infinitive11分词 和不定式 GerundsandInfinitives 1)主语(subject)主语()句子的主体,全句述说的对象。句子的主体,全句述说的对象。一般由担任,名词,代词动词不定式,动名词常置于句首。担任名词代词,动词不定式动名词,常置于句首。动词不定式Ilikefootball.Theboyneedsapen.谓语说明主语做什么,是什么,...
Knowing the difference betweengerund and infinitive can save you from making costly grammar mistakes when writing. In a nutshell, a word formed from a verb acting as a noun and ending in ing is a gerund. Infinitivephrases – normally referred to asinfinitives – are formed with the word to ...
Need, require and want can be followed by the active or passive to-infinitives to express active or passive meanings, respectively: I need to make a phone call. Sometimes, people need to be told the truth.
it refers to one of o verb forms frequentely referred to as infinitives this one ending in -n. It shows up in nominalizations and is selected by perception verbs. As applied to other languages it may refer to almost any non-finite verb form; however it most often refers to ...
Use and Word ListsExample same meaningI started to read. / I started reading. same meaning but different useShe forbids us to talk. / She forbids talking. different meaningHe stopped to smoke. / He stopped smoking. infinitive or present participleI saw him go up the stairs. / I saw him...