Infinitive or gerund after verbs (4)B1 Infinitive or gerund after adjectives (2)B1 Infinitive or gerund after nounsB1 Expressions with infinitive or gerundB2 A1BeginnerA2ElementaryB1IntermediateB2Upper intermediateC1Advanced GapfillMultiple choiceDrag-and-dropMixed...
TO-infinitive or gerund: MEAN, HELP TO-infinitive or gerund: NEED, REQUIRE, WANT ◂TO-infinitive or gerund: ADVISE, RECOMMEND, ALLOW, PERMIT, FORBID, REQUIRE▴ Verbs followed by the TO-infinitive or gerundTO-infinitive or gerund: FORGET, REMEMBER, REGRET, GO ON, STOP, TRY▸ ...
Here are some examples but go to the gerund and infinitive lessons for more examples: Examples of verbs that are followed by a gerund I kept to phone the office. Ikeptphoningthe office. We appreciate to hear from you. Weappreciatehearingfrom you. ...
一些英语练习,Directions:Fill in the blanks with either the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs.Example:Margaret challenged me (race) to race her across the pool.1.The students practiced (pronounce) ___ the sounds in thes
聚会K歌 【不定期添加】 by:芳梦行者 258 阴晴不定 by:华语音乐 39 阴晴不定 by:华语音乐 1366 入定不定印经 by:山野伍樵夫 327 不定期的直播 by:朵拉在白夜 9014 【不定时的直播】 by:三冬同学 746 酒馆不定时营业 by:苏兮兮_ 2.3万 ggdd bx声音不定时更 ...
英语动名词与不定式gerund-and-infinitive 摘要 ing verbs 正文 topic: GERUND or INFINITIVE? (part 2) Fill in each space with either the gerund ("-ing") or the infinitive (to ...) form of the verb. example: “I love walking in the park (walk)” 1. Sometimes ___ the truth can...
Infinitive: to + infinitive form. Infinitive is a non-finite verb. Rather than finite verbs are those alone can not serve as the predicate of the verb in the sentence can be divided into the infinitive, gerund, participle and past participle. Infinitive verb + infinitive form. Infinitive in ...
B Adjectives, verbs and prepositions + the gerund or the infinitive Join these pairs of sentences beginning with the words in italics. 连接以下各组句子,将斜体的词组置于句首 。1 The woman didn't want to buy the first dress she saw. She was reluctant.2 Our boy can swim under water. He'...
Infinitive or Gerund Quiz Test your understanding of these differences in meaning by deciding whether the verb should be used in the infinitive or gerund form based on the clues provided: Jack remembers ___ (buy) eggs at the supermarket because he always takes a list. Jason stopped ___ (pl...