商务英语BEC-1.2 Gerund and infinitive,本视频由艾可Echo提供,2次播放,有0人点赞,0人对此视频发表评论,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
Infinitive (Source: 百度翻译互助吧) (answered by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam) Question #1: 看了一遍您对infinitive和gerund 的讲解,我了解到了这样的变形给予verb更多的更灵活的用法,不过我好像感觉这两种结构在大部分情况下是可以互换的,意思也基本不变,是这样吗? alexcwlin #1: I cannot generalize ...
gerund and infinitive 不定詞動名詞動名詞 不定詞 AComparisonbetweenGerundandInfinitive 看句中主要動詞(藍色字體)後面是接動名詞(紅色)還是不定詞(橘色)? DearGrandma,Howareyoudoing?Iwantyoutoknowthateverythingisfineatschoolnow.AtfirstIdidn’tlikeEnglishbecauseitwassodifficult.ThenMomsuggestedtaking...
GERUND (-ing) or INFINITIVE (to) - When & How to Use them! 14:07 这些缩略词怎么发音 - we'd, they'll, he'd, they're ( How to pronounce the contractions ) 11:55 如何快速学会英国口音?How to Learn a British Accent Fast - (ALL Vowels & Consonants!) 15:53 掌握20个高级...
gerund_and_infinitive11分词 和不定式 GerundsandInfinitives 1)主语(subject)主语()句子的主体,全句述说的对象。句子的主体,全句述说的对象。一般由担任,名词,代词动词不定式,动名词常置于句首。担任名词代词,动词不定式动名词,常置于句首。动词不定式Ilikefootball.Theboyneedsapen.谓语说明主语做什么,是什么,...
InfinitiveGerundtoingPlayto1/12He seems to be unhappy.(be)ing2/12She refused to forgive him.to(forgive)inging3/12Tom suggested going to the cinema.(go)to4/12Tom offers to help us.to(help)inging5/12He admitted stealing the wallet.(steal)toto6/12Would you like to join us?(join)ing7/...
动名词 (Gerund )和不定式( infinitive) 英文解释&例子说明
更新1: 其实小弟想要一个简单的词语去解答这条问题,好像'to' infinitive用于verb后目的时 Gerund用于verb后xx时? Hint: wer is 二字词语(I fot this wer. Please help me! Thank you very much.) P.S. You can me and give me example or only wer me but please don't give me...
第九章動詞如何轉換成名詞、動名詞(Gerund)和不定詞(Infinitive) 91問題的來源 對我們說中文的人而言,一個字究竟是動詞,還是名詞,其實是 很少人知道的,對一般人而言,〝唱歌〞是動詞,但是如果我們說,〝唱 歌是有益的〞,我們又發現〝唱歌〞其實也是名詞。〝我愛唱歌〞,這 句話中,〝唱歌〞也是名詞。 英文就不...
Choosing between the gerund and infinitive when they are theobject of the sentencecan cause a lot of difficulties for students of English. If they are the object of the sentence, that means theycome after the verb. Make sure you look at the previous lessons ongerundsandinfinitivesto see which...