Gerrit tutorial. This tutorial explains the installation and usage of the Gerrit code review system. It describes the setup of Eclipse (with EGit) as well as the command line setup. Learn more in the Learning Portal. Check out our Git Online Training ...
Gerrit Tutorial - Gerrit is a web-based code review tool, which is integrated with Git and built on top of Git version control system (helps developers to work together and maintain the history of their work). It allows merging changes to Git repository
Your base Gerrit server is now running and you have a user that’s ready to interact with it. You now have two options, either you create a new test project to work with or you already have a git with history that you would like to import into Gerrit and try out code review on. N...
当线程等待控制台窗口输入文本时, 被控制台动态创建的Windows 应用不能处理 Windows消息. 因此, 当前应用不会重画自身或处理输入到UI上. ...现在设置窗体Text 属性: f.Text = "My First Interactive Application" 在运行的应用程序中, 注意form的单击事件...探索 脚本文件(位于Tutorial路径...
如何搭建开源code review gerrit服务器 /commit-msg ${gitdir}/hooks/ 该过程用来在commit-msg中加入change-id,gerrit流程必备。 修改代码并提交,推送时与原有git流程不一致,采用 git push... 第一次访问,需要输入第3步设置的admin及密码,该账户将作为gerrit管理员账户。进入后可...
Gerrit : Code Review Tool based on Git Gerrit Code Review for Git: git post of mine: Git workflow: ...
40402[VeC 84]: docs: Restore and update nat section of progressive tutorial 41399[VeC 98]: docs: vpp_papi example script Benoît Ganne<>: 41246[VeC 124]: pg: fix offload offsets for ip4/6-input Dau Do<>: ...
To follow along with this tutorial, make sure you have the following: Android Studio installed on your machine. A Gerrit patch file. You can obtain this from the project’s Gerrit code review system. Applying a Gerrit Patch in Android Studio ...
官方的教學文件: 兩份教學大致上是同樣的概念,但是官方那份在 多了一行 store path,以我自己的過程,缺少了這一行是無法成功進行 replication 的,並且會一直顯示下面這樣的訊息 <stdin>:24: waiting for event (1,5000000007) to be confirmed ...
原文:代码审核(Code Review)是软件研发质量保障机制中非常重要的一环,但在实际项目执行过程中,却因为种种原因被Delay甚至是忽略。在实践中,给大家推荐一款免费、开放源代码的代码审查软件Gerrit。 git