Gerrard Winstanley2012-11出版 想读 在读 读过 简介 'The power of property was brought into creation by the sword', so wrote Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676) - Christian Communist, leader of the Diggers movement and bete noire of the landed aristocracy. Despite being one of the great English ...
必应词典为您提供Gerrard-Winstanley的释义,网络释义: 温斯坦利;温斯坦莱;杰勒德·温斯坦利;
Winstanley, Gerrarddoi:10.1007/978-94-007-6519-1_895Dodsworth, AshleyUniversity of BristolSpringer, Dordrecht
Selections from the Works of Gerrard WinstanleyWoodcock, George
in the thinking of Gerrard Winstanley has been widely acknowledged, following Christopher Hill's seminal essay on that subject. It was focal in the expropriation and exploitation of the labouring English, rendered landless by the Conquest. Winstanley's strategies for overcoming the Yoke have commonly...
gerrard winstanley 读音:美英 gerrard winstanley基本解释 杰拉德·温斯坦利;温斯坦利;杰拉德·温斯坦莱 分词解释 Gerrard杰拉德(男子名) Winstanley[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 温斯坦利住所名称,来源于古英语人名,含义是“喜庆+石头”(joy+stone)+“树林,开垦地”(wood,clearing)...
Jason Landsel,Gerrard Winstanley But local landlords, threatened by the actions and radical beliefs of these Diggers or “Levelers,” attacked the group. Brought to trial for trespass, Winstanley was found guilty and fined. Despite such setbacks, the movement grew. Soon there were at least ten ...
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This article explores the character and legacy of Gerrard Winstanley and particularly his contribution to the understanding of Christian radicalism, to the elucidation of the character of which Winstanley's writings make a signal contribution. It examines themes with affinities with late twentieth-century...
Bradley, Ian. "Gerrard Winstanley, England's Pioneer Green." History Today 39 (August, 1989): 12-17.Bradley, J. "Gerrard Winstanley: England's Pioneer Green?" History Today, 39 (1989): 12-17.Ian Bradl...