Germinating cannabis seeds is the first step in growing your own marijuana plants, and honestly, it’s pretty simple once you know what you’re doing. Think of it as waking your seeds up from a long nap so they can get ready to sprout into weed. In this guide, I’ll walk you throug...
Method 5: Wet Paper Towel Method –for your most important cannabis seeds How to Plant Germinated Cannabis Seeds Taking Care of Marijuana Seedlings – The First Few Weeks The #1 easiest cannabis germination method is plant the seed right in the soil. Introduction: Cannabis Seed Germination Cannabis...
At certain times, using natural means to plant cannabis may seem to be the easiest way. When you plant marijuana seeds in the soil, the plant will emerge as its taproot digs further down. As a cannabis grower, you may decide to plant your cannabis seeds on your final growing medium. Eve...
When you are growing autoflower marijuana plants, you should choose the pot size carefully and plant them directly in it. They are very sensitive to any changes in their environment and they can get very stressed if you try to transfer them from a smaller pot to a bigger one later on. T...