Andererseits wird in den Aushandlungen in vielen Fällen eine große Vertraut-heit im Austausch zur Sendung sichtbar, und es scheinen Rekurse auf vorangegangeneGespräche der Mädchen auf,auch zur aktuell laufenden Staffel.Dies deutet darauf hin,dassGermany’sNextTopmodelTeildes(Medien-)...
While as late as the 1940s the German term aktuell [topical] still referred to a rather local account related to the world of the addressees, of the audience, in the 1950s a concept of topicality based on fast mediation times gained acceptance. The establishment of the temporal concept of...
In the light of Germany’s chosen path towards the energy transition, the regulatory framework has changed considerably. New players have succeeded in entering the market, and renewable energies have become increasingly competitive. Greater electrificati