(Wodan). The Roman historianTacitusrelates in theGermaniathat in 59cethe Hermunduri, in fulfillment of their vows, sacrificed defeatedChattito one of these gods. This elite was also the basis of political organization. The Germanic peoples formed numerous tribes that were also united in leagues...
On the battleshipMissouriin Tokyo Bay, the Japanese formally surrendered ending World War II. By this time Japan was no longer the military power it once was. The Battle of Midway in June 1942 had been the turning point when four Japanese aircraft carriers were sunk. Since then Japanese cont...
After Germany’s ally, Austria-Hungary, was defeated in Galicia (September 1914) and the third member of the Triple Alliance, Italy, had shifted over to the side of the Entente in May 1915, Germany was forced to intensify its military efforts. (In all, over 13 million men were drafted ...
s plan for an attack through theArdennes(which began May 10) instead of farther north. This was a brilliant and startling success. The German armies reached the Channel ports (which they had been unable to reach duringWorld War I) in 10 days.Hollandsurrenderedafter 4 days andBelgiumafter 16...
to the death and never surrendered worked perfectly into the deep desire of Americans to kill the “sneaky Japs,” kill them all. And so, with no option now but to fight fanatically to the death, the Japanese did. And thus, it was a case where propaganda became a self-fulfilling truth...
On May 7, Germany surrendered. 3. Adolf Hitler: Before World War II Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, at Braunau, Austria. Young Hitler received poor grades in school and left at 16 without graduating. During the First World War, he served four years in the German Army as a ...
From 1941 to 1944 the Leibstandarte was engaged fighting on the Eastern Front before being moved to the Ardennes in late 1944. Pushed back by the advancing allied forces, the Leibstandarte ended its days fighting in the Battle of Berlin in 1945. ...
bordersofHollandandBelgiumanddriveintoFrance. Withinsixweeksthecampaignwasover.Holland,BelgiumandLuxembourghadsurrenderedashadFrance. TheGermansoccupiedParisandabouttwo-thirdsofthecountry.Butinotherpartsoftheworld,Frenchmen continuedtheirfightagainsttheNazisundertheleadershipofGeneraldeGaulle(戴高乐将军).Afterthefall ...
After Germany’s ally, Austria-Hungary, was defeated in Galicia (September 1914) and the third member of the Triple Alliance, Italy, had shifted over to the side of the Entente in May 1915, Germany was forced to intensify its military efforts. (In all, over 13 million men were drafted ...
Based on a detailed investigation of all the facts, and supported by the testimony of the surviving Japanese leaders involved, it is the Survey’s opinion that certainly prior to 31 December 1945, and in all probability prior to 1 November 1945, Japan would have surrendered even if theatomic...