1.2.AimsoftheStrategyonChina Chinahaschanged.AsaresultofthisandChi-na’spoliticaldecisions,weneedtochangeourapproachtoChina.TheFederalGovernment will,togetherinEuropeandwithinternationalpartners,defnenewparametersunderwhichGermany’sinterestswillbeupheldinitscoop-erationwithChina,whilelivinguptoourglobalresponsibility...
Germany’s first everChinastrategy reflects how the world has changed. China is its largest trading partner, and a crucial market for its industrial powerhouses. Yet Berlin flagged that it had decided to“de-risk” its ties, ignoring awarningby Qin Gang, China’s foreign minister, that de-r...
Wang stressed that in order to maintain the steady development of China-Germany relations, it is necessary, first and foremost, to calibrate the strategic understanding. China is a force for peace, development and stability in the world, with an open, transparent strategy and policy orientation, ...
BEIJING, July 13 (TiPost)— German Chancellor OIaf Scholz clarified Germany‘s first China strategy aims to take response to China’s increasing assertiveness, rather than to cut ties with the world's second largest economy. Credit:Visual China “Our goal is not decoupling. However, we want t...
Following the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the EU followed the US in adopting a "de-risking" strategy toward China, which has significantly impacted Germany, leading to the adoption of new security and China policies in 2023. On July 13 la...
Germany will adopt China strategy to reduce reliance on Beijing Berlin wants to send signal ‘that we are not naive,’ says Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock By Hans von der Burchard July 12, 2023...
BEIJING, July 13 (TiPost)— German Chancellor OIaf Scholz clarified Germany‘s first China strategy aims to take response to China’s increasing assertiveness, rather than to cut ties with the world's second largest economy. 打开APP,查看更多精彩图片 Credit:Visual China “Our goal is not ...
Germany has been pursuing a new China strategy, urging companies to “de-risk” from China last year. China is to remain a partner for Germany, the Chinese government has stressed, and there should not be a “de-coupling”, but “systemic rivalry” has increasingly characterized the relationsh...
, it has profited from the rise of China's economic development. The company depends on China for at least half of its annual profits, which reached 22 billion euros in 2022, according to The Financial Times. VW has also recently revealed its new strategy -- "in China, for China"....
Wang stressed that in order to maintain the steady development of China-Germany relations, it is necessary, first and foremost, to calibrate the strategic understanding. China is a force for peace, development and stability in the world, with an open, transparent strategy and policy orientation, ...