The area code 0800 is assigned to freephone numbers. The numbers are assigned individually, allowing for vanity numbers. 0900-x-xxxxxx The area code 0900 is assigned to premium-rate services. The first digit following the area code indicates the service type: Prefix - Service Type 0900...
Currency and Currency Code: Euro - EUR Spoken languages: German Local electricity: 230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, F) Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz): 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G Country phone prefix: +49 Local Time (capital): Timezone: UTC/GMT offset: hoursCurrent...
The international prefix is inserted automatically.. Enter your phone number without the first 0. Activate Use this number for security messages. After a few moments, you will receive an SMS with a code which you will need to enter into the Mobile Banking App to confirm your phone number. ...
Currency and Currency Code: Euro - EUR Spoken languages: German Local electricity: 230 V - 50 Hz (plugs: C, F) Mobile phone / cellular frequencies (MHz): 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 3G, 4G Country phone prefix: +49 Local Time (capital): Timezone: UTC/GMT offset: hoursCurrent...
After receiving your code, you need to fill in the code in the app. The service is afterwards automatically activated. The service is mainly in German but the app language can be changed to English. The phone numbers from satellite usually have the prefix of "015678 or 015679". The ...
The form displays the following information: Customer- Customer name linked to the customer record Country Indicator- Country code prefix of the customer's VAT registration number Customer's VAT Number- Customer’s VAT number without the country prefix ...
You can use the Prefix field to enter the first part of the person's name, such as van der. In the case of someone whose last name is van der Zee, this enables you to sort by the last word of the name, that is Zee. If the whole name van der Zee is entered in the Last Name...
If you’re calling on a mobile phone, make sure you use the “+” symbol before the country code, not the international call prefix. Make sure you’re using the correct dialing format (your country’s international call prefix, Germany’s country code, the area code, then the local numbe...
Application for a refund of German capital income tax In Germany, income from capital is subject to a 25% capital income tax plus a solidarity surcharge of 5.5%. In general, this applies regardless of whether the recipient (creditor) of the domestic income is resident in Germany or abroad. ...
For example, if the prefix of the primary server name is myserver (, the prefix of the secondary server name in global Azure cannot be myserver.The ALTER DATABASE statement allows you to specify a target server in global Azure by using its fully qualified ...