(2003) ‘Die Bedeutung der neuen Arbeitsmigration für die Institutionen und die Arbeitskraftepolitik in der Bauwirtschaft’, in Hunger and Santel (eds), Migration im Wettbewerbsstaat, 119–52. Chapter Google Scholar Hoffmann-Nowotny, H.-J. (1970) Migration. Ein Beitrag zu einer soziologisc...
Other statistics on the topicMigration and integration in Germany Demographics Number of immigrants in Germany 2023, by country of origin Demographics Number of immigrants in Germany 1991-2023 + Demographics Number of foreigners in Germany 2023, by country of origin Demographics Asylum application decisio...
The most common indicators of the migration background are nationality (n=36) and the country of birth (n=29). Health-related indicators cover awide range of issues. Discussion:Routine data sources continue to collect little information on the migration background (usually only nationality) and ...
EMPLOYMENT statisticsEMPLOYMENTPOLITICAL refugeesLABOR marketEMIGRATION & immigrationFREE tradeEMPLOYMENT policyGermany has undergone a significant migration policy shift since the early 2000s. This paper examines the total employment effect of immigration during the liberalization of migration policies from 2005...
the GDP gap per hour worked is especially small and sometimes goes the other way, the indicators of social development rarely favor the US, immigration into Western Europe has been comparable to immigration to the US for some time now (here’s net migration, and note that this measure under...
The migration crisis and strong economic growth have added to the already high demand in the country in recent years. Consequently, the essential demand drivers are also considered foreseeable structural changes such as demographic effects. The supply side is the main obstacle to further growth in ...
The building of the Berlin Wall in 1961 effectively put an end to this German-German migration. From 1945 to 1990, West Germany's population was further augmented by the arrival of nearly four million ethnic Germans, who immigrated from Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union or its successor...
Since 1970's,the countries in Western Europe began to change from emigration countries to immigration countries.Each country adjusted the migration policies along with the migration tide,and the policies became more and more perfect.This article discusses the migration cases in Germany,France and Briti...
Germany is the second most common country of immigration after the US. However, people with own or familial history of migration are not represented proportionately to the population within public health monitoring and reporting. To bridge this data gap and enable differentiated analyses on migration ...
Country Profile: Added name of head of state and head of government. urban-rural, life expectancy, literacy, and GNI per capita statistics. World Data Editors Sep 06, 2011 Add new Web site: Buzzle.com - Germany. Swati Chopra Aug 08, 2011 On July 1, 2011, conscription ended as the ...