一月Climate & Weather Averages in 48°42'35"N, 9°18'14"E High Temp:3 °C Low Temp:-3 °C Mean Temp:0 °C Precipitation:40.0 mm Humidity:87% Dew Point:-3 °C Wind:18 km/h Pressure:1020 mbar Visibility:13 km
Current local time in Germany – Saarland – Mettlach. Get Mettlach's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Mettlach's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
At WeatherPro, we believe that good things happen when people step outside and great things happen to those who are prepared. We strive to empower life’s outdoor moments.
A one-year data set for the year 2015 of near-surface air temperature (T$T$), crowdsourced from 'Netatmo' citizen weather stations (CWS) in Berlin, Germany, and surroundings was analysed. The CWS data set, which has been quality-checked and filtered in a previous study, consists of T$...
Some people like to visit it in other seasons (from March to May and from October to early November). People can also enjoy skiing (滑雪) betweenNovember and early March, because the weather is very cold at that time. The ski areas in the Bavarian Alps are the best places to go ...
The research team analyzed tornado reports from the European Severe Weather Database between 1950 and 2015, looking at the social and economic impact of tornadoes on the continent. From the 66 years of meteorological, atmospheric and weather related data analyzed they found that tornadoes in Europe...
natural catastrophes and extreme weather patterns since biblical times, adding that Germany remained a relatively safe country for agricultural production by global standards. Nevertheless, the ministry warned that domestic weather risks were set to increase in coming years as a consequence of climate ...
The diffuse sampler was installed in a suspension device, which was simultaneously acting as a shelter against the weather. After an exposition time of two weeks, the diffusive sampler was analyzed via flow injection with UV detection (Dämmgen et al. 2010a) by the FUB. Data were available...
there is still the need for more long-term studies to understand and improve the sensitive steps of the analytical methods and gain more knowledge about the reliability of the trends in wastewater samples. The investigated samples in this study included almost exclusively dry weather samples, as th...
Current local time in Germany – Baden-Württemberg – Lahr. Get Lahr's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Lahr's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.