The “Storm Song” was the de facto anthem of the SA before the popularHorst Wessel Liedtook its place. The lyrics were written by Dietrich Eckart between 1919 and 1923 and set to music by Hans Ganßer. The popular phrase“Deutschland erwache!”came from this poem and became an incredibl...
9 Things You Might Not Know About Adolf Hitler A Brief (and Fascinating) History of Money Secret Service Code Names of 11 U.S. Presidents Were the Nazis Socialists? Germany Ask the Chatbot a Question More Actions Print Cite Share Feedback ...
More than three-fourths of the residents are Protestants, and the remainder are predominantly Roman Catholic. There is a small Muslimcommunity, which includes many TurkishGastarbeiter(“guest workers”). The Jews, of whom there had been 27,000 in 1933 (when Hitler took power), now number onl...
Read More InGermany: The reunification of Germany …was replaced by a reform-minded communist, Hans Modrow, who promised free, multiparty elections. When the balloting took place in March 1990 the SED, now renamed the Party of Democratic Socialism (PDS), suffered a crushing defeat. The eastern...