“Germany’s euro bailout is driven by that very German reflex that we can only finally atone for the Holocaust and World War II when we have put all our interests and money into European hands.” View Entire Story Here & Here. Of course, the German and European Jewish Press is jerking...
Bonus für soziale Arbeit während Corona-Krise: Paritätischer fordert Steuerabzug für alle Beschäftigten in sozialen Diensten in Höhe von 500 Euro 09 April 2020. https://www.der-paritaetische.de/presse/bonus-fuer-soziale-arbeit-waehrend-corona-krise-paritaetischer-fordert-steuerabzug-fu...
Andy Kessler is a hedge fun manager and author, most recently ofGrumby. He has written for the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Technology Review, The New York Times and elsewhere and has appeared on CNBC, CNN, Fox, NPR and Dateline NBC. He lives in Northern California with his wife and fou...
In Ukraine, Putin’s decision has only exacerbated the pain and anguish caused by years of bloody conflict, fueled and funded bythe Kremlin.Parents across the country have been doing whatever they can to prepare their families for a potential Russian onslaught. “If you want to know how Ukrain...