**Historical Accuracy and Educational Value** Dive into the rich history of World War II with the WW2 Military German Soviet Union U.S.A Germany Army Map Badge Emblem Flag MOC Figures Building Blocks Accessories Bricks Toys. These blocks are not just toys; they are a gateway to understanding...
»WW2DB's 20th Anniversary(29 Dec 2024) »Wreck of USS Edsall Found(14 Nov 2024) »Autumn 2024 Fundraiser(7 Nov 2024) »Nobel Peace Prize for the Atomic Bomb Survivors Organization(11 Oct 2024) »See all news Random Photograph ...
When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. “You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I ...
One of the first things that Goebbels did was to establish the Reich Chamber of Culture. This new organisation was established to deal with all aspects of culture. It was sub-divided into seven departments that dealt with literature, news, radio, theatre, music, visual arts, cinema. the medi...
Smuts, like Churchill, did not see his opposition, the Afrikaner Nationalists also take up the mantra of social reform at the end of the war, demanding change with a new reform policy called Apartheid, and it also held a high appeal to a war weary nation still bitterly divided over ...
City Map of Oberammergau After stepping out of the station, there was a huge crowd of people that turned right (facing the main street). However, Kate and I analysed the map and decided to turn left instead. And it was the right direction! Turning left took us to the heart of the cit...
The blocks can be used to create a variety of scenes, from the Eastern Europe after WW2 to the concentration camps of the war. The blocks are not just for building; they are a canvas for creativity, allowing you to reimagine historical events and create your own narratives. With the ...