BERLIN, Aug. 12 (Xinhua) -- "Never before in reunited Germany" had so few young people been without work as in 2018, the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced on the occasion of International Youth Day on Monday. Last year, the unemployment rate for German youths in the a...
persistentlyhighunemployment rateamong the youth, shrinking opportunities for social mobility and [...] 面對青少年失業率持續高企,社會流動的機會越來越少,跨代貧窮 問題日趨嚴重,加上政府各政策局提供青少年服務的目標不清晰, ...
Minimum wages, exploitation and Botswana's unemployment crisis It is natural to think that the poor must gain from a high, rising minimum wage rate (MWR). The poorest 50-60 per cent of people in Botswana, however, have probably got worse off as a result of the high MRW, of its recent...
This dual system has a long successful history in Germany, which is visible, for instance, in a stable transition from the dual system to employment and a low youth unemployment rate. A main factor for this success is the regulative structure of the German dual system in the society. ...
often overqualified. This is a scenario that can lead to ample stress and dissatisfaction. Their respective governments also feel the burden; through subsidising unnecessary degrees, the state is lumbered with unpaid loans and high youth unemployment rates. Employers, too, have to deal with...
youth | 2. youth Jugoslawien: 1. Yugoslavia Juli: 1. July Junge: 1. boy, lad, laddie Jungfrau: 1. young woman | 2. virgin Junggeselle: 1. bachelor Juni: 1. June Jupon: 1. petticoat Jurist: 1. jurist, lawyer Justiz: 1. justice, righteousness Juwel: 1. jewel Juwelier: 1. ...
Thus, the high unemployment rates even for West Germany reflect prior youth unemployment, as well as unemployment spells for individuals who have changed jobs. While we acknowledge that past unemployment spells will bias presently measured job satisfaction, the negative effects of past unemployment do ...
Hitler made joining Hitler Youth compulsory so that every child would be filled with Nazi propaganda and not just the ones who were willing to turn up. This was good for German children because it gave them things to do other then sitting around. On the other hand it gave Hitler another ...
German consumers are increasingly in a spending mood as low unemployment contributes to higher earnings and the lasting low interest rate environment disincentivizes saving. At the same time, the public sector has also raised its spending to accommodate hundreds of thousands of refugees. ...
institutionalized structure such as specialist departments, and PIA), patients criteria (i.e., number of cases per diagnosis) with a weighting of 50%, structural hospital features (e.g. number of beds or personnel) with a weighting of 25%, and regional factors (e.g. unemployment rate) with...