2. “Im Westen nichts Neues” (“All Quiet on the Western Front”) Play Year Released: 2022 Genre: War Drama This impactful anti-war movie is an adaptation of Erich Maria Remarque’s 1929 novel with the same title. It’s set during World War I and provides a deep dive into the distr...
1954, b/w, ca. 96 min. German dialogue, English subtitles - Part I takes us into German barracks life on the eve of World War II. Asch, pushed into open rebellion when a cruel officer drives a fellow soldier to the brink of suicide, wages a battle of wits with his superiors. Asch...
– Michael Corleone, Godfather Part III [NOTE: I had planned to be finished adding new movies to this blog, but little did I realize that the long-lost experimental film Miss Butterfly (Fräulein Schmetterling) was about to be released with English subtitles by the … ...
Set in a small German village just before World War I, the film explores the impact of a series of mysterious and violent events on the community. The story exposes the strict moral codes, repressed emotions, and hidden cruelties within the village that may have contributed to the events. Di...
The largest forum about movies in Poland and the topic of a well-known German serial trying to make Germans victims of World War II. If anyone has enough time and possibilities, lets use the google translator from Polish to English and read most of the comments. I think that at least...
the family must adapt and try to create a new life. If you’re interested in stories of Jewish refugees and World War II history, there is no other German film that has a more compassionate perspective. Though interspersed with Swahili and English, the characters in “Nowhere in Africa” pr...
Sachin Kulkarni says: “The last German film I saw was ‘Das Boot’ by Wolfgang Petersen. This movie dates back to World War II and is about a submarine carrying a relatively young crew. Very good movie with a sad ending.” 7.“Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland,”2011 ...
Germany, late 60s. The post-war generation revolts against their parents, disillusioned by anti-communist capitalism and a state in which they see fascist tendencies. This film follows the rise of The Red Army Faction, revolutionary terrorist group founded by Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof. The...
The term “blitz” was derived from “Blitzkrieg” and translates as a sudden military attack. It was first used by the British press during the bombing campaign against the UK in 1940 to 1941 during the World War II. A more common use of the word in English would be a blitz by the ...
Written as a poem in 1915, this song became popular during World War II with soldiers from both sides of the war. This is also probably one of the most famous German-language songs in the world! With poignant yet colorfullyrics, this ode to Lili Marlene isperfect for intermediate German ...