Here we have listed several dictionary list with German words & their meanings translated in English. English-German lexicon. 2,489,369 bytes Freeware data from English-German lexicon. 396,151 bytes German-English lexicon. 385,758 bytes Freeware data from Ergane. English-Bavarian ...
By clicking on thesound iconsin front of the words, you canlisten to the pronunciationof the respective element, both in American English and British English, without the need for a separate player. Of course, this icon can also be found in front of German expressions, so you can even lis...
Old High German- High German prior to 1200 Middle High German- High German from 1100 to 1500 Yiddish- a dialect of High German including some Hebrew and other words; spoken in Europe as a vernacular by many Jews; written in the Hebrew script ...
German word into English, just type it into the search box to generate a list of possible English translations. Alternatively, you can enter English words to find the correct German translation. Use the drop-down menu to search not only the German-English dictionary, but all online dictionaries...
all six boys bore a strong cousin-german resemblance- English Only forum American English doubt - The German champion(s): HAKA Kiel- English Only forum Anglophone pronunciation of German loanwords- English Only forum are as follow: 2002 Japan/South Korea, 2006 German, [Format of list]- Englis... A list of German words used in the English language (deutsche Woerter, die im Englischen verwendet werden). A list of German words used in the English language (deutsche Woerter, die im Englischen verwendet werden).
By the way, I have a page where you find a wholelist of adjectives and nouns with the same meaning in German and English. Once again, try this: Read and listen to the German words and sentences without looking at the English translation. Can you grasp the meaning?
A German-English technical and scientific dictionary. KEYWORDS: Dictionaries A Webel - G. Routledge & Sons, 被引量: 2发表: 1930年 The Pocket Law-Lexicon, Explaining Technical Words, Phrases, and Maxims of the English, Scotch, and Roman Law: To Which Is Added a Complete List of Law Rep....
Most common English queries, 200001 to 500000 What are other people translating on the internet? Watch our list of most frequent queries below. The list you see above has been recently computed from user queries and is updated every week....