For more about words for border, land, country and related things in Celtic languages, see the Celtiadur post: Region and Country Words from the same Proto-Celtic root, via Gaulish *brogis and Latin brogi-/broges, include brolo (vegetable garden, orchard, grove) in Italian, and breuil ...
German Cat Names Just as with dogs, there are some typical, clichéd names for cats. The German equivalent of "kitty" isMiezeorMiezekatze(pussycat).Muschiis a very common cat name, but since it carries all the same meanings as "pussy" in English, you need to be careful about throwing i...
No compatible source was found for this media. In this post you'll learn a handful of German vocabulary words for typewriter parts, as well as a bit of the history of how I came to own...5...typewriters, including the beauty in the video above, a brother deluxe 220 from 1977 with ...
How do you say "cat" in Spanish? Is it OK to feed my dog the same thing that I feed my cat? One day, she told me that she wanted a pet cat. I was looking at a dog. However, when I looked again, it had turned into a cat. other words beginning with "K" karte in English...
In other words, modal verbs in this special usage behave like normal main verbs and not like modal verbs in clusters of size three or greater.The obvious syntactic differences between modal verbs used with and without ver- bal complement has led to a debate as to whether we are dealing ...
No compatible source was found for this media. In this post you'll learn a handful of German vocabulary words for typewriter parts, as well as a bit of the history of how I came to own...5...typewriters, including the beauty in the video above, a brother deluxe 220 from 1977 with ...
For a 3-verb cluster as in sen- tence (3) with the main verb fahren included, this means that the order V-Aux-Mod is accepted in addition to the Standard-German order Aux-V-Mod.doi:10.1515/9783110217124.203M. BaderT. SchmidBader, M. and T. Schmid (2009). CAT meets GO: Auxiliary...
2. thick the barely suppressed anger in his eyes under the thick blakc hood of his cloak. thick hair Thick description is a term coined by Clifford Geertz. How cool would it be if Obama grew a nice, thick afro! The cat’s ginger fur was thick and fluffy, ...
Try making the ch as soft as you can, slightly imitating a hissing cat. 5. Zungenbrecher — Tongue twister How to pronounce it: [Tzung-en-bre-chah] German for “tongue breaker,” or what we would call a “tongue twister.” The z in this word sounds like a hard “tz” and the...
Here are 149 German slang words and expressions that, while they’d likely cause the average textbook editor to clutch their metaphorical pearls, canspice up your German skills. By the way, the German word for “slang” isumgangssprache.Keep that in mind in case you want to ask your German...