meaning translation german-to-english Hubert Schölnast 128k modified Feb 7 at 7:00 27 votes 2 answers 4k views Why the switch from “ihr” to “Sie” in the following speech from Band of Brothers? word-usage formality personal-pronoun planetmaker 12.2k modified Feb 6 at 23:15 Bro...
At the end of the day you have produced something – to look at, perhaps even to hang on the wall if you like it enough. Very different from writing that for me is hardly ever done. Every time I open a page I start changing – a sentence here, a word there – a never ending st...
2011. Modeling Word Order Variation in Discourse: On the Pragmatic Properties of VS Order in Old High German. Indo-European syntax and pragmatics: contrastive approaches 3(3). 209-228.Petrova, Svetlana. 2011. "Modeling Word Order Variation in Discourse: On the Pragmatic Properties of VS Order ...
English, but not in German. German V2 word order provides speakers with a multifunctional initial position that can host the topic and dissociate it from the expression referring to the current speaker. This is not easily possible in English (SVO), where the subject has to perform “triple ...
Es war früh am Morgen, die Vögel zwitscherten und der wind wiegte das Gras im Vordergarten eines großen Hauses hin und her. Ein paar Meter weiter hinter den Mauern hallten Schritte an den Wänden nieder. Dante, es ist mir wichtig das sie diese Bitte für mich erledigen" ...
German;word-final devoicing;natural vs. TTS speech;word intelligibility Author Contributions Conceptualization, A.B. and K.P.; methodology, A.B.; formal analysis, A.B.; data curation, A.B. and K.P.; writing—original draft preparation, A.B., K.P, and G.Z.; writing—review and edit...
German grammar and German vocabulary - but you actually understand the logic behind it. Hundreds of fun articles in English, perfect for learning online.
1984, Word order in the middle field of the German sentence. Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik 25:1–22. Abraham, W. 1985a, Transitivitätskorrelate und ihre formale Einbindung in die Grammatik. Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik 26:1–60. Abraham, W. ed...
AnkiSRS: A highly versatile flashcard app. Forvo: If there’s ever a German word or expression that you’ve seen written but don’t know how to pronounce, you can search for it here (or request it) and hear a native speaker pronounce it for you. Duolingo German...
The english sentence similarly to the german one does not sound quite right. I think this is because of dass/that, as they are definitive, and play a similar role to the word ‘it’ in the sentence. Ich verstehe (es), wenn du nicht mitkommen willst. I understand ((it)) if you don...