英德词汇表 ENGLISH-GERMAN WORDLIST WORDLIST ENGLISH – GERMANCompiled by Ingrid Ehrhardt,Sprachausbildung TU Dresden - Only for internal use at TU Dresden abundance Fülle, Überfluss abundant (adj.)reichlich (vorhanden)abutment Stützpfeiler acid rain saurer Regen acidity Säuregehalt acidif...
英德词汇表 ENGLISH-GERMAN WORDLIST.doc WORDLIST? ENGLISH – GERMAN Compiled by Ingrid Ehrhardt, Sprachausbildung TU Dresden - Only for internal use at TU Dresden abundance Fülle, überfluss abundant (adj.) reichlich (vorhanden) abutment Stützpfeiler acid rain saurer Regen acidity S?uregehalt ...
文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 1WORDLISTENGLISH–GERMANCompiledbyIngridEhrhardt,SprachausbildungTUDresden-OnlyforinternaluseatTUDresdenabundanceFülle,Überflussabundant(adj.)reichlich(vorhanden)abutmentStützpfeileracidrainsaurerRegenaciditySäuregehaltacidificationVersauerungacidifyversauernactivatedsludgeprocessBelebt...
You can tap on any word to look it up instantly. Every definition has examples that have been written to help you understand how the word is used. If you see an interesting word you don't know, you can add it to a vocabulary list. ...
Pre-intermediate German wordlistmouth necknoseseeshoulderSchauen Sie zur Tafel
Grunddeutsch – Basic (Spoken) German Word List, Compiled by J. Alan Pfeffer. Prentice-Hall Inc.GRUNDDEUTSCH - BASIC (SPOKEN) GERMAN WORD LIST, compiled by J. Alan Pfeffer. Prentice-Hall Inc. Price $2.00. 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 7 作者: G Macdonald DOI: 10.3138/CMLR....
Click the link below to open the PDF file: OPEN PDFPDF document with built-in style names Related information You will find more details on this subject in the articleCreate List of Local Built-in Style Names. DocTools Word Add-Ins
Unique feature:This app has a search history function that allows you to see the past few words you’ve looked up. This is super handy for when you look up a new German word and then forget the meaning a second later (it happens to all of us sometimes). ...
The second line is a list of space-separated words with defined hyphenation rules. If you want to prevent hyphenation of a specificword, write{\nobreak word}within your document, or include it in an\mbox{word}. Further reading For more information see...
Protestant -Protestantisch, Protestant, Evangelisch, Lutherisch For more common genealogy terms in German, along with their English translations, seeGerman Genealogical Word Listat FamilySearch.com.