“Lore” is a haunting and evocative drama set in the aftermath of World War II. The film follows Lore, the teenage daughter of a high-ranking Nazi officer, as she embarks on a perilous journey through a devastated Germany with her siblings. Along the way, they encounter a young Jewish ...
the German community was quite a substantial influence on Manila’s business community. At the time, Germans were almost exclusively the only pharmacists in the Philippines. The earliest successful German pioneers were the Zobels from Hamburg. Heinrich Zobel arrived in 1825 and started working for a...
One of the most well-known centers on the romance of Jan Brandner and Julia von Anstetten, siblings who fall in love after being parted by their parents at infancy. If you like heartbreaking shows like “Days of Our Lives” or “All My Children,” you’ll love “Verbotene ...
Birgit speaks fondly of how her family adapted to life in a new country, and how difficulties like missing green space, were turned into somewhat of an adventure for all of them to share. Birgit had two more siblings who were born in Chicago, and they all spoke German to varying degrees....
German possessivearticles are equally important, so you can put those on your labels, too. (Plus, if you share a bit of your German knowledge, these notes can warn your siblings or roommates to stay away fromyourstuff!) Use possessive articles correctly with the help of the following questio...
father, her siblings and her extended family. At the time of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 the family and the then-12-year-old Jasmin left Iran for Germany, where to this day she speaks Persian with her siblings and went on to become one of the top German-language actors of our time...
Naturally, St. Boniface had others assisting him in his task. Particularly outstanding among them were certain members of his own family, two nephews and a niece of his: the siblings Saints Willibald, Winibald, and Walburga. St. Willibald of EichstättSt. Willibald was, like St. Boniface...
Do you have a lot of siblings? Hast du viele Geschwister? This is an excellent opening for you to say something in the neighborhood of: Yeah, I have a brother and two sisters. Ja, ich habe einen Bruder und zwei Schwestern. From there it’s pretty easy to adopt other small-talk or ...
“My word!” said the knight. “She’s the loveliest young lady I’ve ever seen!” He raised his visor for a better look. “Oh no!” screamed One‑Eye and Three‑Eyes together.“Two eyes!” Sure enough, the knight had two eyes, just like their sister. ...
for each token, its dependent siblings, e.g. Jane is a dependent sibling of Peter in the phrase Peter and Jane; for each token, whether the token is an anaphor (broadly speaking for English: a third-person pronoun); for each token, whether the token heads an independent noun phrase that...