The wordEselsbrückehas nothing to do with donkeys and everything to do with mnemonics.A mnemonic helps you to remember information; for example, "Now We Shall Eat" may help you remember the directions North, West, South and East on a compass.Kummerspeck(Grief Bacon) ...
Speaking of baloney, when we’re stressed with work or after a bad breakup, sometimes nothing feels better than seeing what’s in the fridge. But too much of that can lead to some unintended weight gain. The Germans—again—have a word for this:Kummerspeck[koom–uh-shpek ]. It refers ...
Leck Mich literally translates to “Lick me,” and it is also exactly how it is used as a curse word. Remember the common English phrase “Bite me”? Well, “Leck Mich!” is pretty much how you say it in German. Its variation—Leck mich am Arsch!—literally translates to “Lick me ...
Hi, I am on a boat trip for a week and do not have access to my laptop . And I use the English interface. As far as I remember the German word for template in FrameMaker is: Vorlage. Best regards, Winfried Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Winfried Ren...
Try this one: The German word for: age=das Alter © Exceltra Learn German Imagine a smoking ape (n) is asked its ageat theALTAR. The smoking animal reminds you of theneuter gender, and you just think of the picture to remember it. ...
The word for weekend in Germany is Wochenende. All days of the week are masculine nouns in German: der Montag. To say that an event takes place on a certain day, precede the day with am: Am Dienstag (on Tuesday). How are dates written in Germany? In Germany, dates are written in ...
Southwestern dialects even have a regional word for father, Atti, contrasting with the general Vater/Vader, the latter having cognates across the entire, vast Indo-European language family. There are even regional varieties of pronouns, a phenomenon that causes serious comprehension difficulties, for ...
it is crucial to learn each word in its context. Vocabulary lists can only be a rough guide through the vast jungle of German semantics. Don't try to learn these all at once. Now you at least might faintly remember having heard a meaning of "schon" when you encounter it in an un...
German extensively uses prefixes and suffixes to create new words or to modify the meaning of existing words. When spelling words with prefixes or suffixes, ensure that the root word remains intact. For example: unmöglich(impossible): un- (prefix meaning "not") + möglich (possible) ...
However, there are arbitrary rules for the gender of some words, allowing you to infer their gender from their ending. We’ll give you an overview of these German nouns, which allows you to always use the correct article. Der There are a few word endings which indicate a noun is masculin...