This German word refers to having the melody and/or lyrics of a song stuck in your head for an extended period. Anybody who has ever experienced this can attest to just how annoying the Ohrwurm can be. Weichei (soft egg) In German, a "soft egg", means someone who is a coward or ...
“Some German words are so long that they have a perspective” in an appendix to A Tramp Abroad that was appropriately titled The Awful German Language). One such compound was the name for an anti-aircraft gun:Fliegerabwehrkanone. The word was a compound of the earlierFliegerabwehr, which ...
Speaking of baloney, when we’re stressed with work or after a bad breakup, sometimes nothing feels better than seeing what’s in the fridge. But too much of that can lead to some unintended weight gain. The Germans—again—have a word for this:Kummerspeck[koom–uh-shpek ]. It refers ...
Many U.S. politicians depend on contributions from fat cats for their campaigns. You never know, she might tell him the truth. "Yeah, fat chance!" In the carriage sat a gentleman, not attractive, but also not unattractive, not too fat nor too thin; one could not call him old, but ...
(e.g., in the plural of the word for ‘day,’ the Old High German nominative-accusative form wastaga, the genitive wastago, and the dative wastagun, but for these Middle High German hadtage, tage, andtagen, respectively, and modern German hasTage, Tage, andTagen). Second, there ...
It’s not a word that you’d use every day, so chances are high that you’ve never really noticed it. But it stands for something that is with us every single day. Becausedas Gewissenis the German word forthe conscience. And as different as these two look on the surface – they’re...
1. (Linguistics) a word or idiom borrowed from or modelled on German 2. a German custom, trait, practice, etc 3. attachment to or high regard for German customs, institutions, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994...
GVT’s monstrous high-rep range will recruit unused muscle fibres to replace fatigued ones, allowing you to attack muscle areas which have never seen the light of day. The workout A word of caution: this is an extremely intense programme and as such is only recommended for intermediate to ...
'thecentralruleintheModernStandardGermanvowelsystem'(181),andcontinuestodefyeasy description.Wtreatstheproblemasastemalternation and accounts for it by means of a rule which spreads[front],resultinginthisfeaturebeingassociatedwiththerightmostvowelinaphonologicalword and yielding alternations like H[u:]nH1...
The German word for “money” is “geld.” The Bottom Line The Deutschmark was the former official currency of the Federal Republic of Germany. It was first issued in 1948 and was legal tender in West Germany, and later, the unified German state until the final adoption of the euro (EUR...