A working week in Germany is not always set as Monday to Friday for all jobs, but almost all people in employment in Germany will have Sunday free, if not Saturday, too, as well as most public holidays (Feiertage). Standard work contracts in Germany state that employees should have two ...
How do you say the German word for lunch? How do you say date in German? How do you say go in German? How to say when is your birthday in German How to say midnight in German How do you say one in German? How do you say things in German ...
The ‘Mon’ part of this word comes from the German wordder Mond– the moon. Montag/Monday actually means ‘the day of the moon’ (anyone who speaks French will know that Monday is Lundi in French – this comes from the Latin word for moon: Luna). Dienstag – Tuesday This one is a...
A word of caution: this is an extremely intense programme and as such is only recommended for intermediate to advanced lifters who are prepared to work their testicles off. If you’re the kind of person whoinstagramsbicep pics between sets and is more concerned with what thegirl on the cro...
Like many of the German words we’ve looked at so far,Kummerspeckis a compound.Kummeris a German word for “grief, anguish, woe.”Speckcan refer to “bacon, blubber, fat.” That meansKummerspeckis literally “grief bacon.” We don’t know whether that sounds delicious or disgusting. ...
To finish off the series, we explain the word Wunderkerzen. So now, for the last time, listen to the podcast: Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. (Press the “play” button to listen to the podcast) Download the MP3 file Tags: K...
Vowels (a, e, i, o, u): German vowels can be short or long, and changing the length can alter the meaning of a word. For example, ‘Rad’ (wheel) has a short ‘a’, while ‘Rat’ (counsel) has a long ‘a’. Pay careful attention to these differences as they can completely ...
German Mondays:Thank you for making it to the end of this blog post! I hope to be able to write at least one Monday blog post each month. Best, Wayne Posted inUncategorized TaggedBultmann,Bultmannposts,David Congdon,Demythologizing,existentialist,Geoffrey Gibson,Hermeneutics,Letters,Rudolf Bultm...
Regarding Professor Scott's final criticism I have nothing more to add to what I said in my previous reply. We'll release the final agenda on the morning of Monday, January 20, so please reply quickly. Such an accurate, lightning-quick reply. What can I say? Here's the Robert's reply...
German Mondays:Thank you for making it to the end of this blog post! I hope to be able to write at least one Monday blog post each month. Best, Wayne Eve-Marie Becker on Humility in Paul 1 In today’s post I will comment on a key quotation fromEve-Marie Becker‘s excellent new ...