This German word refers tohaving the melody and/or lyrics of a song stuck in your head for an extended period.Anybody who has ever experienced this can attest to just how annoying theOhrwurmcan be. Weichei(soft egg) In German, a "soft egg", meanssomeone who is a coward or weak-minde...
The name bratwurst comes from the old German word “brät” (describing the finely-ground sausage mass), and the original spelling was indeed “Brätwurst”. Over the years, the dots above the letter ‘a’ have disappeared. German processors use a prepared in advance base material for ...
but rather it arose about the same time Old High German gave way to Middle High German. In other words Yiddish is a Germanic language in its own right just as for example German, English, Dutch and Swedish are. The wordYiddishcomes from the Yiddish wordyidish, which is short foryidish ...
German for “tongue breaker,” or what we would call a “tongue twister.” The z in this word sounds like a hard “tz” and the ch is the same sound that we saw above. Also pay attention to the end of the word. Often when a word ends in -er in German, it’s not pronounced ...
For each letter, write a word in German that starts with that letter, and draw a picture of it. Go to a slightly larger version Envelope and Letter in German Label the envelope and letter in German, including the words letter, signature, envelope, address, zip code, return address, stamp...
a set of small blocks or tubes containing paint of different colours that you use for making pictures These pictures were all painted by local artists. We've painted the kitchen yellow. English word "malen"(paint) occurs in sets:Flashcards aus dem Buch - "The Republic" (Plato)Flashcards ...
terms borrowed from Schaff, an old High German word for barrel and Schedel, another old word for barrel: Schaffler, Schäffler, Schäfler, Schaffmacher, Scheffler, Schöffler, Schädler, Schedler, Bindschedler; terms for cooper producing small barrels also mainly derived from different terms...
Instead, you must first slice off the top rind of a whole cheese, then for each serving, scrape a thin layer from the top of the round, working at an angle so as to make the edges crinkle. Would you scrape that rusty pan? I managed to get out of the scrape. I sold my house an...
There are two large steel support beams rising out of the floor of the airport extending up through the ceiling. There is a small gap between them, just less than the width of a toddler’s head, which he was in the process of measuring for himself… using, what else, his own head. ...
Maasdamer cheese, Schwartzwälder Schinken, Brötchen, cup of coffee, and a German crossword puzzle……….pretty difficult to tell where I am right now, right? That’s right, we are back in Germany for another visit. Life is rough, I know. Life has been pretty busy though, and tha...