terms borrowed from Schaff, an old High German word for barrel and Schedel, another old word for barrel: Schaffler, Schäffler, Schäfler, Schaffmacher, Scheffler, Schöffler, Schädler, Schedler, Bindschedler; terms for cooper producing small barrels also mainly derived from different terms...
Backpacks, cutlery, lawnmowers, buildings, apps, toothbrushes, a power plant, as well as brand identity implementations were all among the winners. The list of Gold winners reveals a clear focus on topics that concern society as a whole and which have become particularly re...
After the chateau of Villers, Notre Dame50, in Belgium, had been occupied by his headquarters he himself caused the following to be taken and sent to Germany: 146 sets of cutlery, 236 silver-gilt spoons, 3 gold watches, 9 savings-bank deposit books, 1500 bottles of wine, 62 hens, 32 ...
Cutlery terms: das Besteck (cutlery); der Löffel (spoon); die Gabel (fork); das Messer (knife); der Teller (plate); der Suppenteller (soup bowl); die Schale (bowl); das Glas (glass); die Tasse (cup); die Serviette (napkin). 5 Know that there are regional differences in pronunc...