Back on the treadmill, another year of unfulfilled expectations beckons, and all the usual miserableists emerge from their hiding places to tell us how important it is we do 'dry January', adopt a vegan lifestyle, swear a vow of celibacy, and give up happiness … Germany Forcing ...
Sometimes everything can look so bleak for a basketball team as the Fraport Skyliners witnessed almost six months ago as they came into the Eurochallenge season sporting a miserable 1-6 record in the Beko BBL and it didn´t get any better as they started off the international club tournam...
For as casually as we often toss around the word "hero", sometimes no lesser term applies. Last year, we introduced you to members of a secret American intelligence unit who fought in World War II. What's most extraordinary about this group: many of them were German-born Jews who fled ...
Please read our method section for more on this. THREE THINGS NEED TO HAPPEN BEFORE YOU CAN USE A SPANISH WORD WHILE SPEAKING 1. You have to know what it means. 2. You have to know how to use it. Same word can have different meanings in different contexts. 3. You have to retain ...
I don’t know too much about Germany or basketball over there to be honest. Coach Kimbrough has told me that he had a great time playing basketball over there and toldme that I will love it. I’m taking his word for it and expecting great things when I’m over there. I don’t kn...
She already turned down alternatives by many others and went behind the back of those who were leading and writing a Brexit plan for the UK. Totally underhand. May turned down trade deal offers as it might upset the EU according to Hannah and one from the US. Instead she tried to force...
The study of a dry and dull biography of Gotz, published in 1731, supplied the subject for his awakened powers. From this miserable sketch he conceived within his mind a complete picture of Germany in the 16th century. The chief characters of his play are creatures of his imagination ...
In part 2 of a raw food, real food diet for our German Shepherd Dog, I’d like to share with you what I feed Boaz. One thing I’d like to stress again and again is that this is what’s working for my dog. He is 8 years old, so an older dog, and I was told he may have...
have said many terrible things about Farian since the lid finally was blown off their scam. They’ve said their producer took most of the money. They’ve said Farian refused to let them sing. They’ve said they agreed to fake being the lead singers only to escape their miserable existence...