masculine nouns. Using data from the nine-billion-token DECOW12A web corpus of contemporary German, I demonstrate that the probability of the alternation is influenced by the presence or absence of semantic, phonotactic, and paradigmatic features. Token frequency is also shown to have an effect ...
Masculine Nouns Ending in 'e' Most German nouns ending in-earefeminine. But there are some very common e-ending masculine nouns — sometimes referred to as "weak" nouns. Many of them derived from adjectives. Here are a few common examples: der Alte: old man der Beamte: civil servant der...
Let’s talk about bzw –An explanation of how to use common abbreviations in German Weak masculine nouns, and other life truths reflected in grammar Simple past my ars…t New lessons coming soon!Leave a Reply Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in...
The same result follows for ə-final masculine nouns such as Pate‘godfather’ under the proviso that an undominated phonotactic constraint rules out two adjacent weak syllable nuclei () as in (36b), a combination systematically excluded in German (see Sect. 5 for a full analysis). Note ...
•Endingsonweakmasculinenouns 1.2GermanArticles •InsteadGermancasesareshownbymeansof thearticlesi.e.wordssuchas“a”or“the” whichareinvariableinEnglish. •TheGermandefinitearticleiscalled“der”and equatestoEnglish“the”. •TheGermanindefinitearticleiscalled“ein” ...
All days of the week are masculine nouns in German: der Montag. To say that an event takes place on a certain day, precede the day with am: Am Dienstag (on Tuesday). How are dates written in Germany? In Germany, dates are written in the Day.Month.Year. format. This is in contrast...
5.1 Gender of German nouns (substantives) - der, die, das [0/9] Determine the gender of German nouns (Score -/-) Exercise of German gender and articles (Score -/-) Decide about the German gender (Score -/-) 5.1.1 German masculine nouns list [0/2] German masculine nouns ga...
Nouns are declined based on gender: masculine, feminine, or neuter. The gender of some nouns can be predicted based on their endings, but in most cases the gender of a noun is arbitrary and has to be memorized. There are two numbers: singular and plural. ...
categories, but certainly not all. For most nouns, you will have to know the gender. If you're going to guess, guessder.The highest percentage of German nouns are masculine. Memorizing these German gender rules will help you get nouns right without having to guess—at least, not all the...
inflected language, German includes four individual cases for nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs, including both strong and weak. German adjectives include genitive, nominative, accusative, and dative adjectives.German is also comprised of three genders—the feminine, the masculine and the neutral....