The film is primarily in German and Turkish, with some scenes in English. Where to Watch: Prime Video | Apple TV | Hoopla 5. “Frantz” Play Year Released: 2016 Genre: Drama/History/Romance “Frantz” is a poignant drama set in the aftermath of World War I. The film explores the impa...
1954, b/w, ca. 96 min. German dialogue, English subtitles - Part I takes us into German barracks life on the eve of World War II. Asch, pushed into open rebellion when a cruel officer drives a fellow soldier to the brink of suicide, wages a battle of wits with his superiors. Asch...
Germany has given birth to some great movie actors and actresses over the years, many of who have gone on to star in comedies, dramas, horror movies and more. These are some of the best German screen actors in the history of the world, so if you're a native of Germany and an...
1/3/2025 by Daniel Babis Daily Soap Dish 5 Musicals Released in 2024 Better Than Wicked 1/2/2025 by Joshua Ryan FandomWire 2025 Movie Preview: All the big movies hitting theaters next year! 1/2/2025 by Bryan Wolford, Inc. takes no responsibility for the content or ac...
Looking for great German movies that will make learning German a breeze? Check out this selection plus free vocabulary exercises and more.
they instigate races against each other to create civil disturbances until there is war. In Europe they are doing this by bringing in the criminals and losers of other races, especially Muslims, and in the United States they are focusing on instigating blacks against whites. We are up against...
Recalling Heide Schlüpmann’s description of the ‘secret complicity’ between cinematography and women’s emancipation in the era before World War I, this noteworthy shot – like the sequence as a whole – imagines a history of f ilm form and spectatorship that might have opened onto a ...
The origins of the German Shepherd date back to just before the turn of the 20th century. They, of course, came from Germany but did not look like they do today until after World War II, after many years of breed solidification. These early shepherds were developed by a cavalry officer ...
With these language apps, you will get to access numerous top-ranking German podcasts, courses, and German-language blogs.*Side Tip - Additionally, you can also watch German TV shows, movies, and YouTube videos while on the move. Listening to German Music when traveling will make it easier...
I watched a lot of films on MUBI which became my favorite screening channel. I used to watch movies in the theaters, also with you, Ella, remember? But lying on the couch in my living room is something I learned during Covid and I like it. Will I go back to the theatres? I hope...