10.1.2 Conjugation of werden (to become) in German [0/1] Fill in the correct conjugation of the German auxiliary verb "werden" (Score -/-) 10.1.3 Conjugation of sein (to be) in German [0/1] Choose the correct conjugation of "sein" for the given tenses! (Score -/-) 10.2 Mo...
This structure is a fantastically easy way to describe something that you like to do in German. Just say that thing—“I go to museums”—and add the wordgernto express the idea that doing so is enjoyable. There’s another way that you can say this, and that’s by using the verbm...
3 Writing Lesson Towards Fluency (Subject and Verb Agreement) 老師13個詞語 TheGermanLanguageSchool 預覽 German sentence structure - Nabenstatz ( subordinate clause) 39個詞語 Ana_vlezquez 預覽 Einheit 4 Kulturvergleich 老師8個詞語 Delana_Snyder 預覽 Deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte / Berliner Mauer 24個...
Verb Conjugator Conjugations of 6,648 German & English verbs in all major moods (Indicative, Subjunctive, Conditional) and tenses (Present, Past, Future, Perfect, Pluperfect, Future Perfect). Over 70 conjugations per verb, more than 450,000 in all. ...
Verb + Preposition Test 7 老師25個詞語 Erste Prufung (Semester Zwei) 48個詞語 Wer, Wen, Wem E 11個詞語 Germany holiday 11個詞語 Wohnen, Musik und Tiere: Vokabeln und Phrasen 43個詞語 German Past Participles 15個詞語 Emma sieht zu viel fern ...
20 Sentences with the Verb gehen Super Easy German (58) 02:23 Easy German - Basic Phrases Essen 03:59 Easy German Basic Phrases - Hospitality 04:30 【我肚子终于瘦了😭】亲测有效,15min站立瘦腰瘦肚子运动,无跑跳!(韩小四) 825.4万播放 【自用】帕梅拉有氧舞蹈47分钟 (3min热身+15min有氧拳击+...
Learning the most common German verbs is a good start to learning German. You first need to know how the verb in German is pronounced. Let's learn more than 50 German verb pronunciations!Discover the best way to learn German! Are you ready to learn German? Great! You are in the right...
Die Fotos dürfen öffentlich beim German Street Photography Festivals Photo Slam gezeigt und besprochen werden. Und Bilder und Videos dieser Veranstaltung dürfen z.B. in den Sozialen Medien oder über Websites und Presseberichte verbreitet werden. ...
To learn more, check out our full review of GermanPod101. 10. Foreign Services Institute: Best Tried and True Method Price: Free If you’re the kind of person who thrives off of verb tables and hardcore grammar study, the Foreign Services Institute is the best way to learn German for ...
to take off (plane)(flog ab, ist abgeflogen) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 (Der) abfliegen 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 15 建立者 matzekj26 1個月前建立 學生們也學習了 學習指南 German Verb Quiz pg. 2 (inf./Präs./Prät./Perf.) 33個詞語 sharky_smalling 預覽 German Environment Vocabulary 80個...