German Reich (1942?) Self-Propelled Rocket Launcher – 1 Prototype Built Rockets used during the Second World War were notorious for their lack of accuracy. These were often fired in large salvos to saturate an area rather than target specific points with precision, while also having a pronounc...
German A4/V2 Rocket 数量: 03309 比例: 1:72 类型: 完整套件 发布: 2018 新贴花 条码: 4009803033099(EAN) 包装: 折叠盒(侧面打开) 主题: A4 (V2) Missile» 地对地导弹 (导弹) 水贴 A4 (V2) Missile A4 (V2) Rocket Heereswaffenamt Heeresversuchsanstalt Peenemünde11/W4159 ...
3DP世界2 V2 火箭1(3DP WW2 V2 Rocket 1) 导弹 34款 3D科幻无人机模型(3D Sci-Fi Dron model) 航天器 73款 一战法国飞机 交通运输 1850款 _NULL_(梅塞施米特 Bf-109战斗机 二战德国战斗机 军事飞机CG模型) 战斗机3d模型资源合集 54款 C4D二战日本A6M2轰炸机飞机模型 ...
work, producing bricks to rebuild buildings destroyed by Luftwaffe bombings, and V1 and V2 rocket attacks. Other work would be on farms, producing food for a population recovering from the war. and working in tyre factories. From the end of January 1944, German and Italian pow's were flowin...
3DP世界2 V2 火箭1(3DP WW2 V2 Rocket 1) 导弹 34款 德国手榴弹(German Grenade) 弹药 37款 虎式坦克前进驱动轮(Tiger tank forward drive wheel) 爱给3d模型库 弗里茨X制导炸弹(Fritz X Guided Bomb) 爱给3d模型库 武装亲卫队步兵头盔(Waffen SS Infantry helmet) 爱给3d模型库 坦克....