DasU-Boots-Kriegsabzeichen1939(TheU-boatWarBadge)•ThismedalwasonlyawardedafterOctober13,1939.•ItwasusuallygiventosomeonewhohadcompletedtwopatrolsButsomesuccessfulcommandersgotthebadgealreadyafterone TheU-Boot-KriegsabzeichenmitBrillantendocument •ThisisadocumentauthorizingKptlt.HerbertSchultzefortheU-Boot-...
德国U艇(German U-boat),二战时的德国海军利器。德军一共生产了一千多艘U艇,但是其中700多艘都没能活到德国投降(1945年5月7日)。 在这当中,最优秀的潜艇当属VII型U艇(七型)。德军共生产了700多艘VII型U艇。这种U艇长约66.5米,宽约6.2米,吃水大约4.7米,以12节可航行13500千米,最大航速水上17.2节,水...
German U-boat history, photo gallery, U-boat types, technical specification and indepth history of the Battle of the Atlantic. Also features historical battles, tactics, and much more related to the U-boat war.
第42期: 军模测评 Targa 连斩 德国二战潜艇 U552全内构 -German U Boat U552 1/144 Review ( Interior)MasterZhou模玩测评 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多5833 4 11:40 App 第31期: 军模测评-突击虎自行重迫击炮-1:32 Forces of valor Diecast-Sturmtiger (Sturmmörserwagen ) 1189 -...
doi:10.1080/03071841709433704Thomas F. A. SmithThe RUSI Journal
The story of UB-85 and the sea monster "falls into a longer trend going back at least to the 1930s of these outlandish sea tales being appended to First World War German submarines," McCartney said. "I don't know why it is, but the first U-boat war just attracts these stories — ...
A German U-boat on mission in the Atlantic Ocean, as seen in World War II, May 1942. WhenWorld War IIcommenced, Germany had 57 submarines under the command of Commodore Karl Dönitz, who had served on U-boats in World War I. Dönitz believed the war would be decided in the Atlanti...
德国u 型潜艇, 1 鱼雷发射 - 2300无损flac音效/船和小船(Ships And Boats)/德国 u 型潜艇(German U-Boat) x1倍 ×0.7倍 ×1倍 ×1.5倍 ×2倍 ×2.5倍 ×3倍 音频编辑器 音频截取 格式转换 速度调节 音量调节 爱给网提供海量的音效专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为flac 格式的德国 u 型潜艇, 1 鱼...
A wreck discovered off the Aberdeenshire coast is believed to be a lost Royal Navy warship that was sunk by a German U-boat during the First World War. HMS Hawke sank in the North Sea after being struck by a single torpedo in October 1914, killing 524 people. ...
Only two war patrols were carried out in the Type XXI. Adalbert Schnee - one of two skippers who took a Type XXI into combat.Donitz had pinned his hopes on the Type XXI to restore the technical balance to the U-boat force. April 30 1945, the situation at sea was nearly hopeless for...