Learn about German pronouns, both possessive and personal, with a German pronoun chart. Discover how these parts of speech are used grammatically...
The pronouns listed below are in the nominative (subject) case.Germanpronouns are also used in other cases, but that is for another discussion at another time. A good exercise:For now, read the chart below carefully and memorize each pronoun. Read the pronouns and all the sample sentences al...
The following chart provides the conjugation of einladen in the present tense, along with each form's pronunciation and translation. Subject Pronoun Conjugated Verb Pronunciation Translation ich lade ein ish LAH-duh eyn I invite du lädst ein doo laedst eyn you invite er, sie, es lädt ...
The chart below summarizes the genders and their typical case endings:In some cases, there is more than one possibility for the ending. Which ending to choose becomes more obvious with practice. German Pronouns: Use Them Anyway Conquering German pronouns might seem like an impossible task, but ...
Chart of German reflexive pronouns Last but not least, we want to provide you with a list of commonly used reflexive verbs in German: “sich erkälten” – to get a cold “sich ausruhen” – to rest “sich schämen” – to be embarrassed, to be ashamed ...
But in the dative case, all of the pronouns take on uniquely dative forms. The following chart shows the personal pronouns in all four cases. Changes from the nominative (subject) case are indicated in bold. Third- Person Pronouns (er, sie, es) FallCase Männlichmasc. Weiblichfem. ...
I’ll add the adjective gut (good) to the chart above to illustrate: CaseMasculineNeuterFeminine Nominative Ein guter Ein gutes Eine gute Accusative Einen guten Ein gutes Eine gute Dative Einem guten Einem guten Einer guten Genitive Eines guten Eines guten Einer guten Now, there are additi...
The numbers in this table, however, come very close to the numbers of the Danish chart. c) Sentence function, tense and voice As both texts are information texts, we find stating sentences only. Another point that is closely related to information texts is the use of the present tense. ...
When conjugating the verb werden, follow the rules in this chart: Subject PronounConjugation of werdenEnglish Translation ich werde I will/I become du wirst You will/You become er, sie, es wird he, she, it will/he, she, it becomes wir werden we will/we become ihr werdet you will/you...
In the chart below, the main parts of the body are listed with their definite articles and their pronunciations. Notice how all the body parts are capitalized. This is a standard convention in German. Unlike English, where only proper nouns are capitalized, all German nouns are capitalized. ...