I present the first database of historical local population figures for all Germany. The German Local Population Database (GPOP) includes total population in 1871, 1910, 1939, 1946, 1961, 1987, 1996, 2011, and 2019 for the universe of all German municipalities, counties, and states at consi...
Agglomeration, Population Size, and the Cost of Providing Public Services: An Empirical Analysis for German States. ZEW Discussion Paper 2004; No. 04-18.Agglomeration,population size,and the cost of providing public services:an empirical analysis for German states. Thiess Buettner,Robert Schwager,Dan...
There is a distribution of power between the republic andthe states. Education including universities is state business.Defense and foreign affairs are republic business. Here aresimilarities to the Chinese provincial system. The populationand the population density of German cities is much lower—An ...
The judges hereby rejected legal appeals launched by the states of North-Rhine Westphalia and Baden-Wuerttemberg after the cities of Stuttgart and Duesseldorf were successfully sued by the German environmental organization "German Environmental Relief" (DUH) for failing to sufficiently protect citizens f...
(1992). Maternal responsiveness to infants in three societies: the United States, France, and Japan. Child Development, 63, 808–821. Article PubMed Google Scholar Coughlin, C., Hembacher, E., Lyons, K. E., & Ghetti, S. (2015). Introspection on uncertainty and judicious help-seeking...
HWS MapCC BY-NC 4.0 International After all, in the 1860s, there were a number of German states, like Bavaria, Hanover, and Saxony, which, in terms of either land mass or population, were quite comparable to Germany's medium-sized states (not counting colonies or in Denmark's case Green...
The data used in this article have already been published in other own-project publications. However, the modelling of cyber losses is original and initially published by this article. Due to the sensitive nature of the collected data, the survey consent form with participants states that only ag...
Besides the site projected density of states (PDOS), wediscuss qualitatively the pair interactions based on the over-lap population analysis with the crystal orbital overlap popu-lation (COOP) [51]. In the plots, positive, negative, and zeroCOOP magnitudes indicate bonding, anti-bonding, an...
Plant protection policy at both the European and national level in member states, aims to reduce risks associated with pesticide use. Pesticides are used in farming to secure crop yields and improve product quality. Their use has helped to immensely increase agricultural productivity. But it is als...
A report dated February 1943, states that, a new "Ostwall" system of fortifications, planned and recommended by the German High Command, had been approved for construction. There is no definite evidence that construction has been started, nor of the nature of the proposed fortifications; however...