Bart: 1. beard Basalt: 1. basalt, whimstone Basar: 1. bazaar, fair, market Base: 1. cousin Basilika: 1. basilica Baske: 1. Basque Baskisch: 1. Basque, Basque language Basrelief: 1. bas-relief, low relief Bassin: 1. basin, reservoir Bast: 1. bast Bastard: 1. bastard Bastei: 1...
“A German soldier stood guard at the gate.” (出自《辛德勒的名单》by Thomas Keneally) 翻译:一名德国士兵在大门口站岗。 “The German people were proud of their culture and history.” (此句为虚构,用于示例) 翻译:德国人为他们的文化和历史感到自豪。 “The German team played with great determinati...
propaganda), it is hardto imagineagirl reader finding much excitement in thecall to be thrifty.The real driving forcebehindthe plot ofMorgenrotlies insteadin the secretromance betweenRuth andasoldier,HelmutvonBrachwitz. In anillustration from the novel (fig.1), Ruth sits with Helmut’sgrandmother...
Another ex-soldier, Charles Shaw, was hired to do the rap on “Girl You Know It’s True.” The song would go platinum seven times in the States. “It was a crazy idea,” Farian says. “I thought, OK, it’s just for discotheques and clubs. I never thought it would be a great ...
Although Stalin died the following year, the situation did not improve until the late 1950s, when such films as Mikhail Kalatozov’s Letyat zhuravli (1957; The Cranes Are Flying) and Grigory Chukhrai’s Ballada o soldate (1959; Ballad of a Soldier) emerged to take prizes at international ...