In addition to providing information about foreign prisoners-of-war its main tasks were the registration of German Wehrmacht casualties (wounds, illness, deaths, MIAs), the processing of these cases including personal status control and official grave service. In August 1943 the Wehrmacht Information ...
In this case as well, it was the jewish commissars who had done this. And that’s why the local Ukrainians had carried out pogroms against the jews. And so, whenever a Ukrainian saw a jew, he immediately killed him. But we were blamed for these deaths, even though we had no influen...
Bunkers like castles are obsolete – they just attract attention from the enemy and can be bypassed and then starved out piecemeal. It would be like trying to block the Russians out of the Reich Chancellery and bunker in WW2. The number one means of survival for a criminal ent...
There is a saying in Polish who sows the wind then picks up the storm, and it fits perfectly to any claims by the Germans for treating them after World War II. Even in Poland, with all Russophobia, there is also a saying that the Soviet soldier, with profit for the whole of Europe...
in the executions, Kesselring had violated a central tenet of the officer’s code—he had knowingly allowed a subordinate to suffer the consequences of his own actions. Kesselring wroteSoldat bis zum letzten Tag(1953; “Soldier up to the Last Day”; Eng. trans.The Memoirs of Field Marshal ...