3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get a German Shepherd Lab Mix 1. This Mixed Breed Needs Specialized Training If you are quite busy and you barely have time for yourself, your family and your home, then don’t get a German Shepherd mixed with a Lab breed. This dog needs constant training ...
White Shepherds are not albino – they have a white or apricot coat, but dark skin, nose, lips, eyelids, eyes and footpads. In character and temperament, they are similar or the same as the German Shepherd, and in recent years, the white shepherds have regained recognition under the nameW...
If you notice your Shepherd scratching or licking their paws, rubbing their face frequently and continuously, you should start thinking about doing an allergy test and consulting the veterinarian. Three main types of skin allergies are the most common among them, and they are usually a consequence...
He has had intermittent flare-ups of an itchy skin rash that clears with miconazole. I suspect that the retained testicles are/were an indication of these other things that aren't quite right in him but I declined to get a replacement because we were already in love with him when we got...
In part 2 of a raw food, real food diet for our German Shepherd Dog, I’d like to share with you what I feed Boaz. One thing I’d like to stress again and again is that this is what’s working for my dog. He is 8 years old, so an older dog, and I was told he may have...