Moselis the most famous of Germany's 13 official wine regions, and also the third largest in terms of production. As with many German regions, it is most aasociated with a range of wine styles made from the Riesling grape variety, which covers around 62 percent of the vineyards. ...
酒款类型: 白葡萄酒 酒庄: 产区: 德国Germany 酿酒葡萄: 酒款年份: 2014年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“斯特芬酒庄雷司令白葡萄酒(Gebr Steffen Riesling, Mosel, German) ”的酒款综述 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION 德国(Germany)德国的葡萄酒历史悠久,可追溯至罗马时代。罗马人喜欢...
Rieslings from the Mosel, Nahe and Rheingau are up there with the world’s finest whites, and there are now world class Pinot Noirs, or Spätburgunders, coming out of Franken. With initially impenetrable labels that are actually some of the world’s most informative, German wine is worth ...
If one of these factors wasn’t pulling its weight, the wine wouldn’t be half as good as it is. What Riesling did you try? Sweet or dry? Did you try a Mosel Riesling, or something a little different? Tell us in the comments below! Sources Riesling by Region: Tasting Notes From ...
Ahr Rieslings vary considerably depending on the vineyard site they come from. Those from sunnier, warmer sites tend to show rich fruity aromas of baked orange, peach and lime zest. Those from cooler, more shaded areas are closer in style to Mosel Riesling: lighter, lemony and more mineral....
德国Germany>摩泽尔 Mosel 酿酒葡萄: 雷司令 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价: ¥暂无价格信息 酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“Ulrich Langguth Gourmet Riesling, Mosel, German ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自德国摩泽尔产区的白葡萄酒。 本酒款产区资料ABOUT REGION ...
Today, Riesling is again experiencing a real renaissance. The country’s offerings have grown significantly in quality and reputation. Mosel Rheingau Rheinhessen Pfalz Nahe Riesling is well known as one of the most food-friendly wines in the world. The wine’s acidity, minerality, and lighter bod...
UlrichLangguth Gourmet Riesling, Mosel, German年份全部年份 NV国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (NV年份) 产区 德国» 摩泽尔 品种雷司令 酒款综述 这是一款来自德国摩泽尔产区的白葡萄酒。红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载猜你喜欢 跨境2015年巴罗洛侯爵巴巴莱斯科珍藏红葡萄酒 意大利 » 巴巴莱斯科|...
Erden is a township on the Mosel river in Germany, known for its powerful Riesling wines. It is the farthest town downriver in Bereich Bernkastel to boast top-level Grosse Lage vineyards, and is located just a short way from the vineyards of Ürzig. Wine-Searcher Editorial · Last ...
Wine characteristics The classic Rheingau wine is a dry Riesling with pronouncedacidityand aromas of citrus fruits and smoke-tinged minerality – typically more "masculine" than its equivalent from theMosel. The region also produces some of Germany's very finest sweet,botrytizedRieslings, with flavor...