Demographic Change in the Netherlands: Strategies for resilient labour markets Although the Netherlands population is increasing, the population growth rate, even if fluctuating considerably, has been declining since the 1960s. The Netherland's age structure since the 1960s has also experienced change ...
In October 1946, The Propaganda Branch, Intelligence Division, based in the Pentagon, Washington D.C., published a report entitledA Syllabus of Psychological Warfare.It was prepared to give quick answers about Psywar to the press that wanted to know what the United States had done during WWII....
You're not being very logical. Most of Belgium's cities and population is north of the Meuse so that's where most of their forces were concentrated. The forts could slow down the Germans. There was no place they could build a fort that would hold up a French invasion. Belgium only ha...
for concealing or outrightly denying the Allies’ complicity in numerous atrocities; on their craven betrayal of the anti-Hitler German resistance, the anti-Soviet Cossacks, and the Free Poles; and on the hideous cruelties they, as victors, inflicted on weak, defenceless, but fearless,...
In 1918, Manila’s population numbered 283,313 – 500 of whom were German nationals. Regardless of the war, relations between the American occupational government and the Germans remained friendly. The Germans who were permitted to remain in their previous positions continued to work under the supe...
Rebellions continued to be frequent among the native population. One of the more significant was the Maji Maji Uprising. In 1905, Kinjikitile Ngwale, a local tribal prophet, claimed that a sacred water source called “Maji Maji could repel German bullets. The locals, armed with spears and ar...
The German Reich (or often just referred to as Germany for short in community parlance) is the current incarnation of Germany. After the collapse of the German Empire in the November Revolution of 1918/19 after WW1 the Weimar Republic was proclaimed, named after the German city where its con...